Ch. 15 Ssssmokin'!

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3rd Person POV

Kazuma and the others began to head back to the Guild since the fiasco at the cemetery was over. There was a guest singer who was going to be singing at the Guild, so Kazuma and the others were interested in listening to female singer's music for a bit.

As they were making their way back, someone else entered the Guild, a guy wearing a yellow and black outfit entered. The strangest thing was that his face was completely green.

This was Y/N, but due to the influence and powers from the newly acquired Mask, he didn't even have nor need his glasses thanks to the Mask

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This was Y/N, but due to the influence and powers from the newly acquired Mask, he didn't even have nor need his glasses thanks to the Mask. He strolled in with a big sense of confidence about him and sat down as the guest singer on the stage began to sing.

Once the song was over, Y/N placed a hand to his chin then zoomed onto the stage in a blur and grabbed the microphone as he said, "That was great, but let's rock this joint!"

Kazuma's POV

As we approached the Guild, I turned to Megumin and said, "Oi, Megumin. Do you know if Y/N will be meeting us here?" She shrugged and said, "He wasn't sure when I asked earlier. He said that it would depend on how exhausted he was when he finished the errand." Reaching the doors to the Guild, I nodded and said, "That makes sense. I─"

I cut myself off as I heard a very familiar song being sung from inside. Anyone who knew classic and iconic music in my old life would've recognized it as well. I opened the doors and heard the song become even more clearer.

As the person was singing, I stood there absolutely perplexed for a couple different reasons. Firstly, the song was a Elvis song, one that referenced Las Vegas specifically. And secondly, the guy who was singing had a completely green colored face. He finished the song and said, "Ooh! Somebody stop me!" Then he began to sing another song that I knew was from Earth as well.

Once the green-faced man had finished that song, he bowed and said, "Thank you! Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go!" With that said, he ran out the doors of the Guild in a blur and vanished into the night. I looked at my party members and saw that they were just as surprised by what just happened as I was. Whoever that person was, I thought to myself. They definitely were from Earth like Y/N and I.

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