Ch. 16 A New Skill And A Haunted Mansion

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Your POV

During one of my days off, I had just dropped off Megumin at the inn after coming back from her daily routine of Explosion magic, when I found Kazuma and Aqua walking nearby. I called out to them and said, "Hey, Kazuma. What're you up to?" Kazuma looked at me and said, "Huh? Oh, hey, Y/N. We're on our way to see an old friend, want to come with?"

I shrugged and said, "Sure, I got nothing better to do." Kazuma nodded and said, "Great." The three of us walked through the city until we arrived in front of a very familiar shop. Then Kazuma said, "All right, we're here. Listen, Aqua. I'll say this when I have the chance. Don't throw any fits, got it?"

Aqua looked slightly offended as she replied, "Hey, what are you talking about? What do you take me for? I am no hoodlum or outlaw. I am a goddess, a bona fide deity!" Kazuma and I both ignored her as he opened the door. Aqua kept rambling on about listening, and I heard a familiar voice say, "Welcome─" The shop owner then screamed, which was followed Aqua yelling, "It's you, you damned undead!"

Aqua was quick to rush at the shop owner and begin to angrily shake her back and forth. I sighed before walking over towards Aqua as she yelled at Wiz, "You opened up a shop here?! I have to sleep in a stable, and you're running a shop?! I'll burn this place to the ground in the name of the Gods─OW!" I interrupted her outburst by smacking her in the back of the head.

Looking over at both Kazuma and I, Wiz greeted us and said "Kazuma, Y/N!" I did a small wave and said, "Hey, Boss!" Kazuma repeated in confusion, saying, "Boss?"


Y/N: "Konosuba."


As Aqua was sitting at one of the tables, she continued pouting and said, "Do you not even serve tea in this shop?" Wiz quickly apologized and said, "I'll bring some for you right away!" Wiz then ran off to the back of the store, where a crash could be heard from where the three of us were.

Kazuma commented on the noise and said, "She still hasn't changed... So, Y/N, why'd you call Wiz 'Boss'?" I smiled and said, "Oh, it's quite simple actually. This is my part-time job." Kazuma nodded and said, "Oh, so you work for Wiz's shop then?" I nodded and said, "Yep, I've been helping Wiz out with different things around the shop from time to time. It's not much pay, but it's enough to get by."

Wiz brought back three cups of tea for us and asked me, "Y/N, I thought today was one of your days off, did you change your mind?" I waved it off and said, "No, I'm just tagging along today." Wiz nodded in understanding and Aqua began to drink out of her tea. Then Aqua said, "You set up a shop, even though you're an undead, and you make warm tea, even though you're an undead."

Wiz began to apologize repeatedly, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The likes of me shouldn't live in such luxury!" I rolled my eyes and said, "Can you quit behaving like you're some spiteful sister-in-law?" Kazuma spoke up and said, "By the way Wiz, I have some spare points saved up, could you teach me a skill?"

Aqua immediately spat her tea out in Kazuma's face and responded, "Hey! What are you thinking, Kazuma? I can't possibly overlook a goddess's attendant learning a lich's skills!" Kazuma replied and said, "Who are you calling an attendant?"

Aqua grabbed Wiz and said, "Listen, Liches love gloomy and dismal places. The whole lot of them are basically related to slugs!" Wiz replied and said, "T-that's terrible!" I chimed in and said, "Aqua. Please stop scaring Wiz." Kazuma spoke up next and said, "But people normally can't learn Lich skills, right? I was thinking it could be a great asset in battle if I could learn skills like that."

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