Ch. 24 Keele's Dungeon

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Your POV

We were sitting in the Guild. Darkness was still nowhere to be seen. Our debt was slowly killing us. With our heads hanging low, we could hear our stomachs begging for something to eat. Kazuma spoke up and said, "Tomorrow, we're going to a dungeon." He was met with an instant reply from Megumin, who said, "No." Kazuma replied and said, "We are." Megumin retorted and said, "No, no way!" Kazuma repeated himself and said, "We are! We are!" Megumin wailed and said, "I mean, I'm practically useless in a dungeon!"

Kazuma furrowed his brows and said, "Remember when you joined up with us, and you said you'd carry our baggage?" A little whine escaped from Megumin's mouth and she went back to blankly staring at the floor. Then Aqua piped up and asked, "Hey, can't we wait till' Darkness gets back?" As I rested my head on the table, I replied and said, "She's been gone for so long, who knows when she'll return? If we're gonna keep waiting like that and not doing anything, we'll just starve." Kazuma yelled out and slammed on the table as he said, "He's right, you know?! Right now we've got as much debt as some countries! If we don't do something, we'll all starve to death!" Aqua replied and said, "Even though I'm being paid more now in all of my jobs? I'm even selling vegetables non-stop."

Then Kazuma pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and placed it on the table. It was a dungeon quest. Aqua read aloud and asked, "'Keele's Dungeon... for beginners'? Hasn't this place been explored already?" He answered and said, "The thing is that recently a new passage was discovered..." Luna suddenly chimed in out of nowhere and said, "...There was going to be a large-scale quest to escort the survey team..." Kazuma finished her sentence and said, "...But I asked her to let us check it out first." The receptionist then smiled and added, "The other adventurers don't know about it yet, so this is our little secret." Megumin raised an eyebrow and said, "I see... so there might be treasure in the unexplored areas?" Aqua repeated and said, "Treasure?!"

Dust, who seemed a bit drunk, must've overheard us because he approached us and said, "What? You guys talking about some treasure?!" Kazuma only got up from his seat and handed him a coupon to the Succubus Cafe. That was enough to prevent Dust from asking anything more.

After we had arrived at the dungeon, I helped Megumin set up a tent while Kazuma was sitting on the ground, checking what all we could use while in the dungeon. As we finished setting up the tent, I said to Megumin, "Megu, you will fine out here, I promise." Megumin nodded slowly and said, "I know, just be safe in there, please?" I smiled and said, "I will. You have my word." I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, then turned to Kazuma and said, "Oi, Kazuma. I'm going to head on in and scout out our path a bit." Kazuma nodded and I began my descent down the stairs leading deep into the dungeon, not looking back.

As I entered the dungeon, my Night-Vision skill kicked in, allowing me to see through the darkness of the dungeon. Sting also began to glow its usual blue soon after. Eventually, I came across a spot that had a peculiar looking brick protruding from the wall slightly. Upon pushing the stone inwards, a section of the wall beside it slid open a slight bit. Assuming that it was the entrance to the unexplored areas of the dungeon, I went through the narrow entrance.

3rd Person POV

Seeing the dusty and cobweb-filled hallway in front of him, Y/N headed down that way, not noticing the entrance closing behind him a minute later.

Meanwhile Kazuma finally headed into the dungeon, with Aqua following him inside soon after. The two of them descended to a floor in the dungeon with a small treasure chest close to the stairs. Aqua went to it and held it upside down to see if there was anything, but there wasn't. Kazuma looked around and said, "How far ahead did Y/N go? I thought we'd have caught up to him by now." Aqua glanced at the same stone brick that Y/N had interacted with, but thought nothing about it and continued on with Kazuma.

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