Ch. 19 The Destroyer

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Your POV

After quickly getting changed out of our sleepwear, Megumin and I met up with Kazuma and the others outside the mansion as we all heard Luna's voice announce once more, "Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! All adventurers equip yourselves and report to the Adventurer's Guild!"

Aqua cried out and said, "Kazuma, Y/N! We have to leave! It'll be here at any minute!" Aqua had all of her stuff already packed up on a cart. Kazuma and I both shared a look and I said, "Seriously?!" Megumin spoke up and said, "The mobile fortress, Destroyer... Fighting that thing is reckless, at best." Still confused, I asked, "Again, what is a Destroyer?" Darkness answered and said, "An ancient weapon that went on a rampage. They say that where it passes through, not even grass remains."

Hearing this, I made sure that Sting was tightly secured to my belt before I spoke up and said, "In that case, I'm going to the Guild." Megumin looked at me in shock and said, "Huh? Why?" I straightened my glasses and replied, "Because even if it's supposed to be impossible to beat, I'm not going to back down from trying!" Kazuma spoke up and said, "I'm going with Y/N too. Like hell we're gonna let the house we finally earned after so much work, be destroyed that easy!"


Y/N: "KONO-"
Kazuma: "-SUBA!"


Inside the Guild, Luna announced to everyone and said, "All of you are this city's last bastion of hope. We humbly request your assistance." One of the other women in the Guild chimed and said, "At present, the Mobile fortress, Destroyer, is on a direct path our way, invading from the northwest. We have one hour before it reaches us."

A random adventurer spoke up and said, "Um... The Destroyer was created by an ancient magical kingdom, correct? Did the people who created it prepare any countermeasures?" Luna answered and said, "They were the first to get killed when the Destroyer started its rampage."

Then Chris chimed in and said, "We should get out of here while we still can." Darkness responded and said, "We can't. The townspeople will all lose their homes." Chris replied and said, "Darkness, I swear you can be so stubborn." Chris then tugged on my sleeve and said, "Hey, you. Got any bright ideas?"

Being put right on the spot, I held my hand to my chin and replied, "Let me think... Kazuma, mind lending me a hand on this?" Kazuma nodded and answered, "It'll take me some time before I can come up with anything..."

Kazuma and I planned alongside each other, starting with the first thing that popped into my head. I turned to Aqua and said, "Hey Aqua, can your magic take down the Destroyer's barrier?" The goddess replied and said, "I have no way of knowing unless I try."

Hearing this, Luna chimed in and asked, "So you can break the Destroyer's barrier?!" Kazuma quickly responded and said, "N-no, we just thought that maybe..." Luna cut him off and said, "Even so, can't your party at least try?"

I smiled confidently and said, "Absolutely!" Luna continued and said, "Aside from that, we'll need pretty powerful magic." A random adventurer spoke up and said, "We have that. If we need firepower, we got ourselves a great one, don't we?"

We all turned to Megumin and Darkness said, "Megumin's explosion magic is the greatest firepower this city has, and I have no doubt that it will give us the chance we need." Megumin replied anxiously and said, "I don't think even my explosion magic can take it down in a single blow." I qplaced my hand on her shoulder and said, "I believe that you can do it."

We then heard a female voice speak up and say, "I'm sorry I'm late!" Wiz managed to get through the crowd of gathered adventurers as she continued, "I'm Wiz, the owner of the magic item shop. I'm also a qualified adventurer, so I've come to help!"

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