Ch. 7 New Gear

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Your POV

Kazuma and I were at our usual table at the Guild. Using some of the skill points from taking out the cabbages, I bought myself the skill [Flee]. I knew that this skill would definitely be useful in the future. Kazuma spoke up and said, "Hey, Y/N. Mind if I test out my new skill real quick?"

I shrugged and said, "Sure, go for it." He nodded as he stood up and held his hand out towards an empty glass on the table. Then he said, "All right... Create Water!" Kazuma created water and filled up the glass. I looked at it impressed and took a sip from the glass. Then I said, "Hey, it tastes pretty good."

Kazuma smiled and said, "So, what do you think about my new skill?" I gave him a thumbs-up and said, "Pretty cool, not gonna lie." Kazuma replied and said, "Well, that's about what I'd expect from elementary magic. Now that I've learned a skill, maybe I'm a bit more of an adventurer." I nodded and said, "Hey, do you think you'd maybe like to learn a skill from me sometime?" Kazuma put a hand to his chin and said, "Huh. I hadn't even considered or thought about that, but it would be great!"

Darkness then spoke up from behind us and said, "Kazuma! Y/N! Look!" We both turned our attention to Darkness, who was presenting her repaired armor as she continued, "I repaired my armor with the reward I got for the cabbages, and it's so shiny now! What do you think?" Kazuma replied and said, "Looks like the sort of armor some newly-rich aristocrat's son would wear."

Darkness crossed her arms and said, "There are times when I'd like some genuine praise, too. You never show any mercy, do you, Kazuma? And what do you think Y/N?" I shrugged and said, "Looks good, I think." Kazuma spoke up and said, "Sorry but I don't have time to pay attention to you right now." I looked to see what he was looking at and saw that it was Megumin, who was weirdly aroused by her Magic Staff. Kazuma then turned to me and said, "Y/N, do something about that pervert who's well on her way to surpassing Darkness."

Darkness pouted in response, while Megumin was blushing and muttering to herself as she said, "Irresistible! Irresistible! The luster of this Manatite staff brimming with magical power..." I felt myself start to blush slightly upon hearing this and I said, "Oi, Firecracker! What are you doing?"

She stopped after hearing what I said and she began blushing heavily as she replied, "I-I-I..... I'm just very happy because I-I upgraded my staff..." I then realized what I had just called her and began to blush just as much as she was. The two of us quickly looked away from each other. Luckily, the awkward moment ended quickly as we heard Aqua already making a commotion as she cried out, "What'd you say?! I caught so many cabbages! How is that even possible?!"

The Guild's receptionist, Luna, replied and said, "W-Well, most of what you caught is actually lettuce..." Aqua then grabbed Luna by the shirt, which almost made her breasts fall out, and was shaking her violently as she said, "Why is there lettuce mixed in?!" Darkness spoke up from beside me and said, "Well, lettuce does have low redemption rate."

Kazuma's gaze was focused on Aqua, who was now approaching the both of us. Sensing the trouble, he only frowned and looked away. Once Aqua had finally reached us, she spoke in an uncharacteristic cheery tone and said, "Oh, Ka-zu-ma~, Y/N~ How much Eris did you get from the cabbage hunt yesterday~?"

I rolled my eyes and said nonchalantly, "Roughly one and a half million." All three girls looked at me in shock and Aqua said, "Y/N, I've been thinking, and you're uhm... pretty cool, you know?" I scoffed as I stood up and said, "Save it, Aqua. You know, if you had just asked nicely like a normal person, I might've considered giving you some of my Eris. But since you had to go through the effort of lying to my face, it's not happening."

With that said, I walked off as I didn't want to deal with anymore of Aqua's whining and complaining. I headed outside and walked over to a nearby bench to sit. After a few minutes, I heard a familiar voice say, "Y/N? Are you okay?" I looked up to see none other than Megumin giving me a concerned look. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I just didn't want to listen to Aqua's complaining any longer."

Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now