Ch. 11 Talking It Out

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Megumin's POV

As we made our way back to the Guild, I couldn't help but feel somewhat concerned about Y/N. It seemed like being called a coward by those girls really got to him somehow. Once we arrived, I looked around for him but I didn't see him. I turned to Kazuma and said, "Kazuma, I'm going to see if I can find Y/N. I want to make sure that he's okay." Kazuma nodded and said, "That's fine with me. It's getting late anyways, so I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and went towards the inn that Y/N had been staying at, hoping that he might be in his room there.

Your POV

I was currently in my room at the inn, sitting on my bed. I had my head in my hands as I let out a sigh and said to myself, "I can't believe I let those girls get to me like that." I'd been called a coward multiple times growing up. My shyness was a partial cause for me to sometimes act like a coward in certain situations. Sure, I had gotten over some of my shyness during the last couple years, but it still affected me on occasion. It was one of the things that was keeping me from telling Megumin how I felt towards her.

I then heard a knock on the door, followed by a familiar voice saying, "Y/N? Are you in there?" Recognizing the voice, I let out another sigh and said, "Yeah. It's open." The door opened slowly and I heard Megumin walk in. She came over and sat down beside me. Then she said, "Are you okay?" I took a deep breath and said, "I don't know." Megumin replied and said, "Did those girls calling you a coward really bother you that much?" I continued looking at the floor as I answered, "Yeah. I was called a coward so much growing up due to my shyness. I thought that I was past that."

Megumin placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "You aren't a coward at all, Y/N." I scoffed lightly and said, "Yes, I am." Megumin replied and said, "No, you're not! Sure, you still do get shy from time to time, but you still have your moments of confidence. I actually admire that about you." I let out an exasperated sigh as I stood up and said, "As true as that might be, I still can't even bring myself to tell you that I like you!"

Megumin was silent for a moment before she said, "You like me?" As I then realized what I had just said, I blushed heavily as I turned to see Megumin was blushing as well. I felt my shyness resurfacing and I started stuttering as I replied, "Umm... Y-Yeah. Y-You were the first true friend th-that I've ever had. And something about you just tells me that I can always trust you." Megumin smiled and said, "I feel the same way about you, Y/N. When you fought that guy earlier, you were so cool. Not to mention, I kinda like it when you get flustered and start to stutter a bit. I think it's kinda cute. And you didn't hide the truth about where you were from when I asked."

My eyes widened slightly as I said, "R-really? You l-like me too?" Megumin nodded as she stood up and came over to me. She looked into my eyes and said, "Just as much as I like Explosion magic, if not a bit more." I smiled weakly as I nervously scratched the back of my neck and said, "Well, I don't have any experience being in a relationship. But w-would you... like to g-go out... with m-me?"

Megumin's crimson red eyes seemed to glow slightly as she said, "Yes! I'd like that!" I smiled warmly and hugged her as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. She hugged me back and I said,  "Thanks for believing in me, Megumin." She chuckled and said, "Hehe... It seems my hidden magical talent and charm cannot be denied." I chuckled lightly in response and said, "Maybe it actually was fate that caused Chomusuke to come over to me that day." She nodded and said, "Perhaps it really was. Maybe Chomusuke knew that we were meant for each other."

We pulled out of the hug and I said, "I promise that I'll do my best to make you happy." Megumin smiled and said, "And I'll be here for you if you ever need to talk." She then let out a yawn and added, "I'm going to head to my room for the night, but I'll see you tomorrow." She turned to leave, but I spoke up and said, "Hey. Firecracker?" She paused and looked back at me before she said, "Yes?" I smiled and said, "Thanks. Not just for accepting me as I am, but also for letting me talk." She smiled warmly and said, "You're welcome, Y/N. Goodnight." I nodded and replied, "Goodnight, Megumin."

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