Ch. 26 Another Mask?

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Your POV

As we turned our attention to Sena, she said, "Kazuma Satou! We've located the source of the monsters as Keele's Dungeon, that you entered the other day!" Kazuma retorted and said, "You can't blame everything on us. But just in case, I'll ask. Do any of you guys know anything about this?"

Megumin answered and said, "Unless it has anything to do with explosion magic, then it has nothing to do with me." Darkness spoke next and said, "I haven't done anything to cause a problem." I shook my head and said, "Nor have I." Aqua chimed in and said, "Yeah, I did work too! If anything, there should be less monsters because of me!"

Kazuma and I shared a concerned look before turning to Aqua. Kazuma then dragged Aqua out of earshot, and I followed. I spoke first and said, "Mind explaining yourself?" Aqua answered and said, "Well you see─" Kazuma and I nodded impatiently and she continued, "That purification circle in the lich's room took so long to draw! So it should still be in tact, so no evil entities should be able to approach it." Kazuma replied and said, "Hold on, what did you say?" Aqua responded and said, "Wh-what? The circle should be keeping monsters─" Kazuma angrily grabbed her cheeks and said, "You idiot!" I pinched the bridge of my nose and said, "Aqua, we need to find you a babysitter."


Sena: "Konosuba."-


Our party, along with several other adventurers, were back outside of Keele's Dungeon. While waiting for orders, Megumin and I were making idle conversation as she said, "You know, I don't know if I want you to go in there again. Especially after last time." I gently lifted her chin up and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before I said, "I'll be more careful this time, trust me. Plus, I'll have Darkness and Kazuma with me this time. And if something does happen, Aqua can heal us. However, I do want to ask you something." Megumin looked at me and said, "What's that?" I took off my tie and my blazer before I handed them to her and said, "Can you hold onto these while I'm in there?" Megumin nodded and said, "Of course."

Suddenly, a small doll-like creature walked into view and I said, "What the hell is that?" Kazuma spoke up and said, "My guess is one of the monsters they were talking about." I frowned at it and said, "That? It looks harmless though." Sena spoke up and said, "Kazuma." Kazuma responded and said, "Kazuma here." Sena began explaining as she said, "It appears that someone is summoning these creatures." She then pulled out a small piece of paper and continued, "Therefore, I ask you to defeat the summoner, and place this on the summoning circle. This is a sealing talisman."

Aqua commented and said, "I don't know why, but looking at these masks disgusts me on an instinctual level." Aqua picked up a rock off the ground, and got ready to throw it, but the doll marched over and hugged onto her leg. She responded and said, "What? What's this? Does it want attention? The mask still ticks me off, but the more I look, the more it looks cute─" The doll suddenly exploded, leaving a shocked Aqua on the ground. Sena then said, "These dolls seem to blow up on coming in contact with people." Kazuma nodded in understanding and said, "I see." I rolled my eyes and groaned slightly as I muttered under my breath, "Great, it's Suicidal Barbie."

Kazuma must've overheard me because I heard him let out a slight snicker. Then Aqua spoke up and said, "Why are you so calm about this?!" Nobody answered her as Darkness walked forward into one of the dolls. It exploded, but Darkness was unfazed as she said, "Let's move." I stopped her and said, "Give me a second." I approached my Crimson Demon girlfriend and said, "I love you, Megumin." She kissed my cheek and said, "I love you too, Y/N. Be safe in there, okay?" I smiled and said, "I will." I gave her a quick kiss, then turned to the others with confidence as I said, "Let's get down to business."

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