Ch. 18 The Succubus Showdown

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Your POV

After taking a nice relaxing bath after dinner, I got dressed in what I had originally arrived in this world in, but without the blazer and the tie, of course. That had become the usual for me whenever I wasn't wearing my adventurer outfit, especially now at the mansion.

I went downstairs to the others, only to hear Aqua boasting about her level and claiming that she's the highest among us as she said, "I'm level 21, the highest level in the party! You're being awfully impertinent for an under-leveled lowbie."

I walked over with a smirk on my face and said, "Sorry to burst your bubble, Aqua. But you're not the highest level in the party." I pulled out my own adventurer card and showed it to her. She looked at it and said, "Level 30?!"

I scratched the back of my head nervously and said, "I did take on a decent kill quest before I first met you guys. Not to mention that errand I did for Wiz a while back." Aqua replied and said, "S-still! That means Kazuma should be giving his spot up to me!"

Looking at Aqua's card, Kazuma said, "Aqua, what's up with your stats? They haven't risen at all since I first saw them." Aqua replied and said, "Obviously because my stats were maxed out from the very start! You're mistaken to lump me together with ordinary adventurers."

As Aqua happily sat beside the fire, I overheard Megumin call out and say, "Looks like my only choice now is to whip out my deadly teleport!" Darkness replied and said, "H-Hey, Megumin! That's not fair!" Megumin answered and said, "Those are the rules!" Looking over at them, I saw them playing what I thought was chess. But then after observing them for a couple of seconds, I began to think to myself, What the hell kind of chess are they even playing?

Kazuma then stood up, walking over to Aqua, before placing a sympathetic hand on Aqua and stared at her as if he was about to cry. She responded to this and said, "Hey wait, why are you crying? You got this pitiful look on your face like I said something stupid." He didn't respond and continued heading off towards his room.

The next day, Kazuma and I were walking in the city, ildy chatting, as Kazuma said, "So, how are things with Megumin going?" I smiled and said, "Honestly, they're going better than I could've ever imagined. I never thought an average and socially awkward nerd like me would ever be in relationship. I guess I just kinda figured that I'd always be alone."

Kazuma replied and said, "I don't fully believe that. Besides, you're an amazing person, Y/N. You and Megumin really bring out the best in each oth─Wait, what's going on over there?" I noticed that he was looking over at two guys who were glancing down an alleyway in a somewhat suspicious manner. Feeling a bit curious and slightly concerned, I said, "I don't know, shall we go check it out?"

Kazuma and I approached them as Kazuma said, "Hey guys, whatcha you all doing over there?" They both jumped and turned around, before breathing out a sigh of relief as the guy in the blue jacket said, "Dang it, Kazuma. Don't go sneaking up on us like that." I raised an eyebrow at Kazuma and said, "Wait, Kazuma, you know these two?"

Kazuma answered and said, "Ah, right. Y/N, you were busy at your part-time job when I met them. This is Keith and Dust. Dust is the guy with the blonde hair and Keith is the one with the blue jacket. Guys, this is my friend, Y/N. You probably know him as the Spiderbane Assassin." I gave them both a friendly single-fingered salute as said, "Hey."


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