Ch. 5 The Crusader and The Thief

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Your POV

I woke up around the same time that I had the previous day. The only real difference was that I didn't wake up with Chomusuke sleeping on my chest this time. I put my glasses on and got myself dressed for the day. After I put on my blazer, I secured Sting on my hip and headed towards the Guild.

As I made my way there, I saw a familiar face across the street. I called out to them and said, "Hey, Megumin!" She jumped slightly and turned to look at me. When she saw that it was just me, she walked over and punched me in the shoulder as she said, "Y/N! Don't scare me like that!" I chuckled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm heading back to the Guild, you're welcome to join me if you want." She smiled happily and said, "I'd love to!" I smiled and said, "Then let's go."

As we were walking, Megumin suddenly spoke up and said, "So, Y/N, what did you do before you came to Axel?" Stopping in my tracks, I sighed and decided that I didn't want to lie to her. So I told her the truth and looked down as I said, "I was brought here from another world after I died saving a younger girl's life."

Expecting her to scoff in disbelief and walk off, I kept my gaze down. Then Megumin spoke up and said, "Y/N, turn your head, I'd like you look me in the eyes." Seeing that it couldn't hurt, I did so and looked into Megumin's crimson red eyes. She looked into mine for a moment and then said, "While it does sound a bit crazy, your eyes don't seem to be deceiving. So I believe you."

I sighed and said, "As I was walking home from school, I ran and pushed a little girl out of the way of being killed by something called a car, and I was killed instead of the girl. Because I died at such a young age, a goddess let me choose between heaven and entering this world. I only turned 16 a few weeks ago. So I think it's obvious what I chose."

I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me as Megumin gave me a comforting hug and said, "I can't imagine what that must've been like, but if you ever want to talk about it some more, I'd be more than happy to listen." I smiled and said, "Thanks, Megumin. That means a lot." She smiled up at me and said, "No problem."

After we had arrived and gotten some things to eat, Megumin and I started talking back and forth about both my family and her family. At some point, Aqua entered the Guild and began to show off her Party trick skills to the other patrons that were here.

After awhile, I saw Kazuma finally enter the Guild as everyone began to applaud Aqua on her Party tricks. She responded to them, saying, "Thank you! Thank you! Oh, look, Kazuma! What do you think of my skill? Isn't it befitting of a water goddess like myself?"

He just gave her an unimpressed look before walking over to us. He pulled out his Adventurer Card and said, "So you gain skill points everytime you level up, but how do you even learn new skills?" Megumin replied and said, "First, you get someone to teach you the skill. Then the entry will appear on your card. If you use your points on that entry, you'll finish learning it." I looked at her and said, "So if I wanted to, I could potentially learn Explosion Magic?"

Hearing this, Megumin got very excited and grabbed my shoulders. Her crimson eyes began to glow as she said, "Exactly! That's right, Y/N! If you want to learn explosion magic, I'll teach you as much as you want! Heck, is there any other skill worthwhile to learn? No, certainly there is not!"

 Her crimson eyes began to glow as she said, "Exactly! That's right, Y/N! If you want to learn explosion magic, I'll teach you as much as you want! Heck, is there any other skill worthwhile to learn? No, certainly there is not!"

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