Ch. 20 Treason And Betrayal

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Your POV

The woman repeated herself and said, "Kazuma Satou and Y/N L/N. You two will come with me." The woman had long black hair and glasses. She wore a blue button up shirt with white stripes and a short black dress. I looked at her still confused and said, "Sorry, but who are you? And what exactly do you mean by treason?"

The woman answered and said, "I am Sena, Goverment prosecutor. As for the treason, the coronatite that was teleported at the instruction of you two completely destroyed the residence of a lord. Thankfully, there were no fatalities, but you two are under suspicion of being either terrorists or members of the Devil King's army."

Aqua spoke up and said, "What?! Just a second, Kazuma, Y/N. What have you two done?!" She started shaking Kazuma back and forth as she said, "What awful things have you two been up to when our backs are turned?! Apologise right now! I'll help you do it! Just do it!" Kazuma replied and said, "Hey! I haven't done anything!" I shook my head and added, "Nor have I." Megumin stepped forward and said, "Hold on a second, please. If not for Y/N and Kazuma, there would have been countless casualties in the fight against the Destroyer." I looked at my girlfriend and said quietly, "Megumin..."

She continued to defend me as she said, "Besides, Y/N hasn't committed any crimes. The one committing crimes is Kazuma. And they're just minor ones, like sexual harassment." Kazuma retorted in response, while I just kept quiet.

Then Darkness spoke up and said, "Miss Prosecutor, there must some kind of a mistake here. These men lack the guts for such an act. I could argue that Y/N doesn't even have guts to consider it. While Kazuma eyes me like a wild beast eyeing their prey in our mansion, Y/N always looks at me with a certain amount of respect. And while Kazuma treats me like eye candy, he is, unfortunately, the kind of lowlife sadsack who never once came to my room at night."

Dust spoke up and said, "That's right! Kazuma might be a total scumbag of an adventurer, but he's not a criminal! Y/N much less! He's better than most men in this town!" I still kept quiet as I thought, I've never had this many people stand up for me before. One of the other adventurers spoke up next and said, "This is abuse of state power!" Another adventurer chimed in and said, "Adventurers deserve freedom!" The rest of the adventurers in the Guild began chanting, "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"

Sena then pushed up her glasses with her finger and said, "Incidentally, these two aren't the only ones the treason charges may apply to." That was enough to silence everyone immediately as Sena continued, "You're free to join them in prison if you want to."

Having heard that, Aqua slid away from Kazuma, whistling. Megumin, however, remained next to me as Kazuma cried out and said, "God dammit, Aqua! Try for once! Keep protesting!" Then the blue-haired Arch-Priest said, "If memory serves right, Kazuma said something like, 'It'll be okay. I'll take responsibility if something goes wrong.' And then Y/N said, 'I'll take responsibility too. I have confidence enough in his luck already.' Yes, that's how it went!"

I mentally facepalmed at this as Darkness gained a familiar look on her face and said, "W-Wait a second... It was me! I was the one who gave the command! So please, take me away and let me enjoy this imprisonment play... No, let me bear this punishment in their stead!" A crazed look in her eyes, Darkness approached Sena, who replied, "Excuse me? I've been told you were trying to act as a meatshield." Darkness moaned to herself in response to this as I heard Wiz start to speak up and say, "Um... The teleport spell was cast by─"

Aqua cut off Wiz, who was about to blame herself, by covering her mouth and saying, "No, Wiz! It's for the best if only two of us take the fall! Just don't say anything for now! All we gotta do is wait for Kazuma and Y/N to finish doing their time!" I kept myself quiet as I thought, Screw you, Aqua. Kazuma spoke up and said, "Come on! Fight back a bit! If you don't, I bet our friends at the Guild will!"

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