Ch. 9 The Dullahan

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Your POV

Megumin and I shared a brief glance as Darkness said, "Is that a Dullahan?" The Dullahan spoke up again and was noticeably very angry as he said, "Every day, every single day, every bloody damn day! One of you maniacs comes to my home and hurls explosion spells at it! AND I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO IT IS!!"

One of the other adventurers spoke up and said, "Explosion magic?" Another adventurer continued and said, "Who comes to mind that can use Explosion magic?" A third guy chimed in and said, "If we're talking about explosion magic..." Everybody was now staring at Megumin, but she looked away and looked at another wizard. I nudged Megumin with my arm as she looked at me with a worried face. The other wizard she had looked at spoke up and said, "Huh? M-Me?! Why are you looking at me? I can't use Explosion magic! Um. I'm still a novice. Uh, I really didn't do it! Please, believe me! I don't want to die yet! I have a little brothers to take care of!"

Then Megumin suddenly started to walk towards the knight. Just to be on the safe side, I decided to follow a few feet behind her. The Dullahan noticed Megumin approaching and said, "So it was you? You're the imbecile who's been blasting my castle day after day after day?! If you know who I am and wish to pick a fight, then come attack my castle fair and square! Otherwise, keep well away from my home, Understand?! Honestly, I don't deserve this harassment! I spared your town thinking that it wasn't worth my time, and how do you repay me? with a boom, boom boom boom, EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN DAY! You must be out of your flipping mind, you little wench!"

Megumin got pissed off and said, "My name is Megumin! An arch wizard who commands Explosion Magic!" There was an audible silence between the two, even from where I was standing, nefore the knight said, "What is a 'Megumin'? Is this some kind of joke?"

Megumin replied and said, "NO! I'm a Crimson Demon, And the greatest mage in the city!" I mentally facepalmed as Megumin continued, "I knew you were a general of the Devil King, That's why I used explosions as a strategy to flush you out! Seems like you're out of luck since you came to this city alone." The Dullahan responded and said, "Very well. I'm not here to meddle with beginner adventurers anyway. I'll likely be staying in that castle for a little while, so stop using your spell on it, understood."

Megumin replied and said, "Impossible! We Crimson Demons must unleashed Explosion Magic once a day, or we will die!" The Dullahan responded and said, "What?! I never heard that before, you just made that up! I take it that you continue to use Explosion Magic then?" Megumin answered and said, "Yes." The Dullahan replied and said, "I may have converted to evil now, but I was once a knight. Killing the weak never appealed to me... Until now." Megumin spoke once more and said, "You should've ran when you had the chance! Teacher, if you would?"

Aqua approached the Dullahan as I did the same, both of us standing on either side of Megumin. Then Aqua spoke up and said, "I don't care if you are one of the Devil King's Generals, I can't get any good quests because of you!" The knight looked at us and said, "Now what do we have here? An Arch Priest and an Assassin? I am the one of the top leaders in the Devil King's army. I won't be easily purified by some low-level priest from this city. I know, why don't I let that Crimson Demon girl suffer a bit?"

Aqua replied and said, "Not if I purify you with my prayer!" My eyes widened slightly as I noticed the glow on the knight's hand, but I quickly returned to my focus as the Dullahan continued and said, "You're too late! I sentence thee to death! You will die in 7 days."

I wasn't quite sure why, but I started running and felt myself get hit with something as I jumped in front of Megumin without hesitation. I heard Kazuma call out my name in shock as I fell to the ground. I could see Megumin, Kazuma, and Darkness rushing to either side of me as I slowly managed to stand back up. Megumin called out my name in panic and Kazuma said, "Y/N, are you alright?!" I groaned slightly and said, "Yeah, I think so. For now anyway."

The Dullahan responded to all of this and said, "This was an unexpected turn of events, but with tightly knit adventurers such as yourself, this might be more preferable. Listen, Crimson Demon girl! That Assassin is going to die in one week. Your precious ally will suffer as he trembles in terror of death until then. And it's all. your. fault. You should've just done as I said."

There was a dead silence for a moment before the Dullahan continued and said, "Anyway! Stop firing explosions at my castle! And you, Crimson Demon girl! If you wish to lift the curse on your ally over there, come to my castle! If you're able to make it all the way to me, I'll lift the curse. However, will you all even make it that far?" With that having been said, the Dullahan left.

After a brief moment, I noticed Megumin take a few steps forward before I suddenly heard Kazuma speak up and say, "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Megumin replied and said, "I'm gonna go to the castle, nail the Dullahan with a direct explosion, then lift the curse that's on Y/N."

I spoke up and said, "You're acting like that curse means I can't fight. So I'm going with you, Megumin. Besides if you go alone, you'll use your magic on some small fry, then it'll be over like that. Besides, part of it is my fault, I should've known the castle belonged to someone." Megumin replied and said, "Shall we go together then? I hear there's a bunch of undead in the castle. That means weapons won't work very well. My magic should be effective, So, you'll have to rely on me this time!" I nodded and said, "That's true, but I'll still have your back. So let's go take out that Dulla─"

I was cut off by Aqua calling out as she said, "Sacred Break Spell!" An immense bright light suddenly enveloped me, and I could feel something grabbing on to me, turning out to be a pair of angels lifting the shroud that must've been the curse. It was as if something weighing me down was suddenly lifted. Then Aqua spoke up and said joyfully, "There! The curse is lifted! Something like that is child's play for me!" Then the crowd of adventurers behind us ran up to Aqua, lifting her up and cheering.

As we all started heading back to the Guild, Megumin called out to me and said, "Y/N?" I stopped and turned to face her before replying, "Hmm? What is it?" She looked up at me and said, "Thank you." I raised an eyebrow and said, "For what?" She answered and said, "For what you did back there. You sacrificed yourself to save me from being cursed." I smiled warmly and said, "Oh, that. Well, I didn't want to lose one of my best friends. And I would do it again if I had to." She smiled and said, "Thanks, Y/N."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now