Ch. 2 The City of Axel

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Your POV

The next thing I knew I was standing outside of a large stone brick wall that seemed to wrapped around a decently large city that gave off a medieval vibe. Judging from the location of the sun in the sky, it was either a bit after sunrise or a bit before sunset. I looked at my hip to see that I still had Sting on me, so I removed it from the sheath and took a moment to look at it closer. The sword featured elven runes etched into the gently curvaceous blade, which read "Maegnas is my name. I am the spider's bane."

I remembered that the word Maegnas was the elven word for Sting and I thought to myself, This sword is the absolute epitome of craftsmanship. Realizing that I might as well see what I can do in the city, I put Sting back its sheath and calmly made my way towards the gates of the city.

When I was close enough, I turned to one of the guards standing there and said, "Excuse me, but I'm afraid that I might be a bit lost. I was wondering if you could tell me what the name of this city is. You see, I'm from a small isolated village that's quite far from here." The guard nodded as he believed my quick and clever lie, then he said, "This is the city of Axel. Axel is a city in the Kingdom of Belzerg which often serves as the starting point for almost all beginner adventurers. From the looks of it, I'd say that you're on your way to become an adventurer, yes?"

I nodded and he said, "Thought so. You should head over to the Adventurer's Guild so you can register. It's the big building with the red roof, you can't miss it." I smiled and said, "Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it." The guard nodded and said, "Don't mention it. Just doing my duty as a friendly guard." I thanked him again and began making my way into the city, thankful that I managed to keep my confidence up.

As I made my way down the streets, I saw that the city was built in a medieval style, typical to any RPG game. The houses were mostly made out of bricks and other various kinds of stones. After passing by many different shops, bakeries, magic shops, blacksmiths, I finally was standing in the middle of the city, outside a big building that looked like some sort of town hall. It perfectly fit the description that the guard had given me, so I went inside.

As I entered, a waitress approached me and said, "Hello sir. Are you here to register or get something to eat?" I smiled weakly and said, "I think I'm here to register? Sorry, I'm new to town." The waitress nodded in an understanding way and replied, "Oh, I see. Then welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! This is the place where new adventurers come to register and get a job. It also serves as a bar and a restaurant if you're hungry. If you want to register as an adventurer and get a job, then please go to the window over there." She said, pointing to the receptionist window at the other side of the guild. Then she continued and said cheerfully, "But if you are here to eat, then I can take your order!"

I smiled and said, "I'm fine at the moment, so I'll just go get myself registered, b-but thanks for helping." She smiled at me before walking off to see if anyone else needed help. I took a deep breath to calm myself as I noticed that my shyness was slightly coming out, and headed over to the receptionist window. When I approached the window, I saw a woman with fair skin, wavy blonde hair tied back in a bun, and gold-colored eyes. She had a welcoming smile on her face as she looked at me and said, "Hello. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! Are you here to register?"

I nodded and said, "Y-yes, please." The woman smiled warmly and said, "Wonderful, but first you'll need to pay the registration fee of 1,000 Eris." I nodded slowly as I began to pat down my pockets in the hope of finding money that would be accepted. I then felt something in my back pocket and pulled it out to see a small pouch with a note attached. The note was from Aqua and it basically told me that the pouch had roughly 3,000 Eris to get me started in this world.

I pulled out what I thought was 1,000 Eris and handed the woman the money as I said, "Is this enough?" She nodded and said, "Yes. Thank you very much! Now, please place your hand on this orb right here." She said, pointing at said orb on the desk. When I did what I was told to, the orb began to glow for a couple of seconds until the Adventurer Card was engraved below the orb.

After that, I took my hand off the orb and the receptionist took my newly made Adventurer Card and started checking it as she said, "Okay, let's see, your name is Y/N L/N, you're 16 years old, and... Oh my!" Worried about that something was wrong with my stats, I said, "W-what? Is it bad?" She shook her head and replied, "No, aside from you having average Luck and Strength, your Intelligence and Dexterity stats are quite remarkably high for a beginner. Not to mention, your Defense and Agility stats are slightly above average."

As the other inhabitants in the Guild gathered behind me, the receptionist looked up at me and said, "With stats like these, I'd recommend an advanced class fighter or rogue-like job. Something like a Crusader, Ranger, or even an Assassin." I smiled and said as confidently as possibly could, "I'll take Assassin, please!"

I heard the others cheer as the woman made a quick motion on my card before handing it to me. I took it from her and said, "Thanks, uh...?" She smiled and said, "Oh, my name is Luna. I'm in charge of the Adventurer's Guild here in Axel. If you want to see what quests are available, they'll be posted on the Quest Board on the wall over there." I nodded and said, "R-right. Well, thank you, Luna."

I headed over to the Quest Board on the far wall that she had pointed to. I saw a rather simple looking quest that involved clearing out a couple goblins from a cave near a local farm. I grabbed the quest from the board and was about to make my way to the farm that was giving the quest, but I stopped as I realized something and thought to myself, I'd best take off my tie. I'm sure that it could potentially get in the way. I quickly undid my tie, rolled it up nicely, and put in my pocket. I adjusted my glasses and headed off.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now