Ch. 13 The Winter Shogun

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3rd Person POV

After the battle with Verdia, one of the Generals in the Devil King's army, the season turned to winter. One morning at the Guild, Kazuma suddenly slammed his hands down on a table and said, "I need money!" Aqua, who was sitting across from him, spoke up and said, "Huh, everyone wants money! Anyway, you're way too unresourceful, and you make a goddess like me sleep in a stable every single night! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?! Hurry up and give me my life of luxury!"

Kazuma replied and said, "Look!! Do you have any idea what I need money for?" She looked at him clueless and said, "No." Kazuma continued and said, "To pay off all our debt! Thanks to the damage you caused, most of the reward money we earn from every quest we do is deducted to repay those debts! And this morning when I woke up on the straw of the stable, my eyelashes were frozen solid! If I keep sleeping in that stable, I just know I'm going to freeze to death for sure!"

Darkness spoke up and said, "It's way too early in the morning for this." Megumin chimed in and said, "Do you have a job lined up for us yet?" Kazuma shook his head and replied, "No, we haven't started looking yet, everyone here seems to be relaxing."

Megumin responded and said, "The reward for fighting off one of the Devil King's leaders was equally distributed to everyone that participated, so there's no reason for anyone to go hunting dangerous winter monsters since they have full coin pouches. It's the perfect opportunity for us. But we should probably find Y/N first."

Kazuma looked a bit surprised and said, "Wait, was he not at the inn?" Megumin shook her head and replied, "No. According to the Innkeeper, Y/N wasn't able to pay for another night." Kazuma put his hand on his chin and said, "With our dept, I'm not too surprised. However, I know I didn't see him anywhere near the stables. So where is he?" Suddenly, one of waitresses spoke up and said, "Sorry, but I happened to overhear you guys talking. If you're looking for that Spiderbane Assassin friend of yours, he's over there." She gestured over to a table in the far corner of the Guild.

Kazuma and the others turned to see a familiar looking figure resting their head on the table. The waitress continued and said, "He came in late last night and asked if he could just rest here for the night. We were already about to close, but Luna allowed it when your friend explained his situation to her and she saw just how exhausted he was." Kazuma nodded and said, "I see. Thanks for telling us." They walked over to their friend who was still fast asleep on the table, and Kazuma had Megumin wake him up.

Your POV

I felt someone shaking me and I heard a familiar voice say, "Y/N. Come on, wake up." Groaning, I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. From what I could tell, I was sitting at a table in the Guild. I found my glasses and put them on as I recalled the previous night. Hearing someone clear their throat, I turned to see none other than my other party members standing there. Kazuma spoke up first and said, "Y/N, why did you ask to spend the night here last night?"

I yawned and began explaining, "Due to our debt, I realized that the small amount of Eris that I had kept aside for emergencies wouldn't be enough to stay at the inn for too much longer. I did manage to find a part-time job nearby so I'd be able to stay at the inn, but I don't start until tomorrow. So I asked Luna if I could crash here just for a night."

Kazuma nodded and said, "I see. I hope that works out. As for right now, we were thinking about going on a quest to help take care of the debt. Interested?" I smirked and said, "Yeah, I'm down."


Y/N: "Ko-"
Kazuma: "No-"
Aqua: "Su-"
Megumin: "Ba."

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