Ch. 21 The Masked Musician

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Your POV

Later that day, I was busy reorganizing one of the shelves in Wiz's shop, something familiar caught my attention. I picked up the familiar wooden mask and said, "Hey, Wiz. Isn't this the same mask that I retrieved for you?" She looked over at me and said, "Yes, it is. It seems that due to its appearance, nobody has even considered buying it. But I thought you said you weren't going to ever use it again?" I nodded and said, "I did say that. I've not changed my mind, just curious. That's all." Wiz nodded slowly and said, "I see. If you ever change your mind about it, I'd completely understand. Especially since you know what it's capable of." I smiled and said, "Thanks, Wiz." She gave me a warm smile in return and I set the mask back on the shelf before continuing to reorganize the shelves.


Wiz: "Konosuba."


After Wiz had left for the night, I was lying on the couch about to go to sleep when I found myself thinking about the mask once more. I shook my head and said, "No, I already made my decision. I'm not using it again." I then heard a knock on the front door of the shop. Not bothering to grab my glasses, I got up to answer the door as I wondered who would be outside the shop at this hour of the night.

I opened the door slowly to see none of than Aqua. I looked at her blankly and said, "What are you doing here, Aqua?" She replied and said, "I'm going to help Kazuma break out of jail! I heard you were already freed, so I figured I'd ask you to help a goddess like me!" I rolled my eyes and scoffed lightly before replying, "I guess you were too proud of your plan to break out Kazuma that you didn't hear that he kicked me out of the party. So I don't see any reason to help you, especially if it could land me right back into jail! So you're on your own, Aqua."

She pouted in response, before turning and walking off annoyed. I rolled my eyes again and closed the door. I glanced over at the mask, which gave off a familiar shimmer of green across its surface. I sighed and said, "You know what, fuck it."

Aqua's POV

As I continued heading off towards the prison where Kazuma was being held, I heard someone call out from further down the street as they said, "Ooh, somebody stop me!" I just ignored it and continued on my way.

Megumin's POV

After Darkness and I had gotten away from the area where I casted my Explosion Magic, we decided to stop at the Guild on our way back to the mansion. By the time we got there, I had regained the ability to walk on my own. But upon arriving at the Guild, we heard a lot of music and commotion coming from inside. Darkness and I shared a confused look as she said, "I didn't know that there was a concert of some sort scheduled tonight, did you?"

I shook my head and said, "No. But since we're here, we might as well check it out." Darkness nodded and said, "Agreed." We went inside and I was surprised to see a familiar person with a completely green colored face. But this time, he had on a black hat, sunglasses, a black suit jacket, black suit pants, and a white dress shirt with a black tie.

 But this time, he had on a black hat, sunglasses, a black suit jacket, black suit pants, and a white dress shirt with a black tie

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