Ch. 12 The Dullahan Returns

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Your POV

The Dullahan spoke up and said, "You wretches! What is wrong with you people? Why do you keep bombarding my castle?!" Kazuma responded and said, "What? We're not firing your castle anymore. We're staying away like you said." Dullahan replied and said, "Oh, you are, are you? What a bold-faced lie!" He pointed at Megumin and continued, "That crimson maniac has still been blowing up my castle every day for the past week!"

Megumin tried to look away before Kazuma angrily grabbed her cheeks and said, "You idiot!" Megumin cried out and said, "Ow! That's not it, hear me out! Until now I was perfectly okay with casting my explosions at a field, but now it's just not the same without that castle! I need something big and hard to cast at or it's just not enough!"

Kazuma replied and said, "How can you say that while fidgeting?!" He paused briefly before he added, "Wait, you can't even move after using your magic which means you had an accomplice... Y/N, explain yourself first!" I looked at Kazuma confused and said, "Why are you blaming me? Like you, I also thought she had stopped using her magic on that castle. I'm actually a bit hurt that she didn't ask me to go with her."

Megumin looked at me a bit surprised as Kazuma glared at me for a moment and said, "If it wasn't you, then who else wou─" Aqua, trying to look innocent, turned away as she began to whistle, making Kazuma start to pull on her cheeks like he had to Megumin. As he did so, he yelled, "You idiot!" Aqua cried out and said, "It's his fault there aren't any good quests anymore, and I just wanted to get him back for it!"

Aqua's cries were cut short as a dark purple aura turned everyone's attention back to the Dullahan, who said, "Hear me fools, my name is Verdia. This isn't the only thing I'm deeply offended by. Did you not have the backbone to seek retribution for your ally's death?! I may be evil now, but in life, I strove to be an upstanding knight. In my opinion, that Assassin was a ideal adventurer and ally. He sacrificed himself to protect his ally from my death curse. And to abandon him is─ What?!"

I stepped forward and said, "Actually I'm just fine!" Verdia looked at me shocked and said, "You're... You're alive?!" I nodded and said, "Yeah?" Aqua began laughing while pointing at him and saying, "Was this Dullahan waiting for us the whole time, with no idea that we easily dispelled his curse after he left? That's hilarious! Really hilarious!"

Verdia spoke again and said, "I-I'm warning you! I could massacre every inhabitant of this city!" Aqua replied and said, "You're awfully cocky for an undead!" Verdia responded and said, "Do you think a beginner adventurer's magic can─"

Aqua cut him off and said, "Turn Undead!" Aqua's spell caused the Dullahan to scream and he rolled around on the ground in apparent panic. Despite this, Aqua turned to us and said, "My spell didn't work on him!"

Verdia recollected himself and said, "Isn't this city supposed to be a beginner town? No matter. There's no need for me to fight you myself. Undead Knights!" He then summoned an army of zombies that surrounded him and he shouted confidently, "Show this lot a glimpse of Hell!" Verdia shouted with confidence.

I snickered and said, "Damn. I guess he's too scared to fight us himself." Kazuma nodded and said, "Yeah, I bet he's just freaked out because Aqua's magic was more effective than he expected." The Dullahan responded and said, "Huh? N-No! You never start with a boss battle! You fight minions fi─"

Aqua cut him off as she said, "Sacred Turn Undead!" A blue circle appeared beneath the Dullahan's feet and engulfed him in holy light. He then cried out, saying, "Yooowww! M-My eyes! My eyes!" Aqua looked at Kazuma and I concerned as she said, "W-What should we do? My purification magic isn't affecting him at all!" Kazuma commented and said, "He did go 'Yow!' and all. Like I said, I think it's pretty effective."

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