Chapter 1

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An alarm clock's ring echoes in the silent bedroom awakening the owner of the room. Still half asleep, Kim Mirae shut the alarm off and snuggled back into her blankets. There was no way she would wake up for something as unimportant as school. She had spent the entire night watching a drama and had no will whatsoever to wake up anytime soon.

Her sleep, was yet again, interrupted but this time by her mother.

"Mirae wake up you to go to school"

Her mother gently shook her. She groaned softly in response causing her mom to smile at her behavior.

"The Joo twins will be here to pick you up soon, get up quickly"

Her mother said to her before leaving the room.

Grumbling and mumbling to herself, Mirae dragged her body out of bed and went to freshen up. It wasn't that she hated school, she actually loved going to school and loved meeting her friends there. Maybe she didn't prefer the studying part but the rest of the day was filled with laughter and joy for her. Today just wasn't her day. She felt as if something bad would happen today. Plus she hadn't slept all night yesterday so of course that was also a factor.

After changing into her school uniform, she headed outside to the living room, which was joined to the kitchen, to have breakfast. Her mother rarely cooked, the housekeeper, Maid Choi did but her mother always made sure to have breakfast in the morning with her. Then they'd both go their separate ways, Mirae would join the Joo siblings, her best friends, for school while her mom took the car to go to work.

Kim Eun Sook was a fashion designer. She stopped working after she had Mirae and planned to become a housewife but things took a turn after Mirae's dad suddenly passed away and she had to start earning again. Her company started to take off when Mirae was 4 and became very successful. Ever since then it is one of the most famous fashion company in South Korea.

Mrs. Kim was very close to the twin's mother, Shim Suryeon, that is how Mirae and her mother got invited to live at Hera Palace and currently resided at the 85th floor.

Mirae has been friends with the Joo twins for as long as she remembers. She met the rest of the little Hera club a year ago and all of them are really close friends with each other. Joo Seokyung is Mirae's best friend and they both share even their deepest darkest secrets with each other. Joo Seokhoon was mostly the friend who sat and, as Mirae puts 'babysits' the two but occasionally joins them in their little shenanigans.

"What's your plan for today? You do remember Cheon Seojin hired another tutor for you guys. The tutor might want to meet you guys before officially tutoring you"

Her mother started a conversation.

"Hmm I'd be there if Seokyung is there"

Mirae replied before taking a spoonful of her favorite cereal. Yup, living in a rich family did not mean she'd have those fancy breakfasts. A glass of milk, which her mom forced he to drink, a bowl of cereal and some fruits, was enough for her.

"No Mirae you'd be there even if Seokyung is not there"

Her mother said to her in a warning tone.

"But eomma..."

"No but's. She's a new tutor and I've always taught you not to show even an ounce of attitude towards anyone. So if she requests to see you, you shall see her"

"Yes eomma"

Mirae agreed knowing her mother would not let go of the topic if she didn't agree.

The doorbell rang making Mirae smile. She knew it was her best friends.

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