Chapter 2

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Now where was our brown haired female lead? Of course after descending 12 floors she was quite out of breath and decided to take the elevator after all. Once she reached the parking lot, she spotted her friends. Seokyung was leaning against the car with her eyes glued to her phone while Seokhoon was looking here and there waiting for Mirae to arrive.

"I'm here"

She said with a smile on her face looking at the Joo twins wondering if they'd believe she came from the stairs without using the elevator.

"So how many floors did you skip?"

Seokyung asked her after closing her phone and pocketing it.

"You think I skipped some floors?"

"Nope I know you skipped some"

"Let's go we're already late, plus Mirae this is never happening again"

Seokhoon interrupted the two friends who he knew would continue bickering if he didn't intervene. Seokyung lightly laughed before entering the car from the other side. Seokhoon looked at Mirae waiting for her to get it.

"Do you believe I used the stairs?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon before entering the car.

"Do you want me to believe you?"

Seokhoon asked the brown-eyed girl standing in front of him with an eager look on her face.

"Would you really believe me if I said yes?"

Mirae asked looking at Seokhoon through half closed eyes.

"Sure I will"

Seokhoon said ruffling her hair lightly causing Mirae to playfully glare at him.

"Come on you two, what's taking you guys so long to get in a car?"

Seokyung said from inside the car causing both of them to hurriedly get into the car.

On the way there Mirae brought the topic of the tutor.

"Why do we even need a tutor, we're top of class anyway"

Seokyung said a nasty look covering her pretty features.

"What's worse is I have to sit through all of it and listen to her as well my mom strictly forbade me from leaving unless she allows me too"

Mirae said pouting and folding her arms.

"It's good that you're moms forcing you. You do need tutoring for math, have you seen your grades?"

Seokhoon jokingly said wanting a reaction from his best friend.

"They've never been below 90%, plus I have you, do I really need someone else to teach me?"

Mirae said looking at both the twins and sighing.

"I just hope she's nice. I can't bear another poor person who pretends she's good enough to order us around"

Seokyung said while Mirae and Seokhoon just nodded both lost in their own thoughts.

"Minhyuk ah"

Mirae shouted as she spotted one of her friends from Hera Palace.

"Mirae ah"

Minhyuk replied to her stretching her name the same she stretched his.

"Where's Eunbyeol?"

Mirae asked looking for the last Hera Palace kid that attended this school. Her other friend, Jenny went to another school for now but promised to join them in the future.

"I don't know I haven't seen her yet. How's your preparation for the exam?"

Minhyuk asked Mirae after greeting the Joo twins who came after Mirae.

"What do you think?'

She asked him.

"Oh I know you didn't study at all and spent the entire night watching a drama but will miraculously get the top score"

"For your information, I did study but still ended up watching a drama at night. I mean I couldn't stop, Nam Joo Hyuk is too..."

"Irresistible, attractive, hot should I go on?"

Minhyuk said with a bored look o his face.

"Are you mocking Nam Joo Hyuk right now?"

"Why what would you do about it?"

Minhyuk said stopping in front of her.

"I'd I'd...Seokyung isn't Nam Joo Hyuk the perfect man to exist?"

Mirae turned to her best friend for support.

"Of course he is, who said he isn't?"

Before Mirae could say his name Minhyuk gave up.

"No one did"

The last thing he wanted was to have both Joo Seokyung and Kim Mirae telling him how wrong he was.

"Come on Mirae let's go to class after all we do have an exam to give"

He said to Mirae and they both ended up walking together with the Joo twins walking behind them. Mirae never noticed all the stares they got from the other students some of envy, some of hope of becoming their friends. The Hera Palace kids were widely known by the entire school and everyone knew no one could go against them. And absolutely no one could definitely say anything rude or mean about Mirae because they all knew that meant a one on one with Seokhoon or Seokyung and no one wanted that.

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