Chapter 4

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Mirae turned towards the piano deciding to play a bit before going back home. Mirae started to play the piano at the age of 12, before that she liked to sing and often joined Seokyung while she was practicing classical singing. One day she found her love for the piano and after that the piano was her everything. It was her escape, distraction and much more.

Mirae carefully ran her fingers over the piano keys as the memory of her playing the piano for the first time came to her mind.

Mirae was looking for her best friend Seokhoon because his mother wanted him back downstairs for dinner. Mirae did have an idea where the boy would be but still checked in his bedroom to see if he was there. After finding his bedroom empty, Mirae headed to the twins study room. Even from afar she knew Seokhoon was there, the light and calming music of him playing the piano could be heard easily.

"Seokhoon your mom's calling you for dinner"

She said as soon as she entered the room and her eyes spotted the dark haired boy playing the piano. Seokhoon simply nodded which wasn't new for Mirae. Seokhoon never spoke much and preferred to stay silent most of the time simply observing his surrounding.

Mirae headed closer to the piano and looked at Seokhoon, silently asking for his permission to touch the piano. Seokhoon nodded again but this time with a small smile on his face. Mirae lightly pressed a key and giggled. The sound of music was pleasing to her ears. She bent forward again pressing another key. She loved the feeling of the keys underneath her fingers. Seokhoon noticed that and gave her some space to sit on the stool in front of the piano.

"Could you teach me how to play something?"

Mirae turned to Seokhoon as she sat down, her eyes shining. If there was one person Seokhoon couldn't say no to it was Mirae. So he agreed and decided to teach her 'Happy Birthday' the simplest tune he could think of at that moment. At first he started teaching her by telling her which keys to press but that was becoming confusing for both of them because Mirae didn't know the names of any of the keys and Seokhoon couldn't point out which keys to press because there wasn't any difference in any of them as they were all black and white. So instead he grabbed his hands and started to place them on the correct keys.

At that time to Mirae, this was the best moment in her life. She felt that she was on cloud 9. Being able to produce a song she was so familiar with from sounds she was not familiar with at all was amazing. Once they were done she looked at Seokhoon. Till this day Seokhoon can't forget the look of pure bliss and excitement in her eyes.

"Seokhoon I get it now"

She said excitedly.

"What do you get?"

He asked her softly.

"Why you're playing the piano all the time while we're having fun outside. This is amazing."

"Hmm you do?"

"Teach me how to play something else"

"Didn't my mom call me for dinner?"

"Please one more song"

"Later I promise"

He said smiling as Mirae held her pinky in front of him. He hooked his pinky with hers and the promise was a done deal. As soon as the pinky's separated Mirae jumped up and ran to tell her mom how she wanted to learn how to play the piano.

And after that Mirae started taking classes and occasionally played for Seokyung while she was practicing for her singing. Seokyung did ask her to continue singing with her but Mirae wanted to give the piano her all. Smiling fondly at the piano Mirae started playing 'Happy Birthday' the smile not leaving her face. As she finished it she felt a pair of her arms reaching for the piano keys, one of each side on her body capturing her in between. Knowing whom it was she waited to see what he wanted to play. To her surprise, he also played 'Happy Birthday'. Once he was done Mirae slightly turned around jus to have Seokhoon towering over her, his hands still on the piano.

"What are you doing her?"

She asked him trying to ignore the position they were in.

"I was worried, you still hadn't come out from the room so I came to check on you"

Seokhoon replied to her. Not moving from the position they were in.

"What could have happened to me?"

Mirae asked playfully rolling her eyes.

"The tutor could have killed you. You know I won't be able to survive with you not there"

Seokhoon said a smile making its way to his face.

Mirae didn't know if it was the position, or the words but Mirae felt a billion butterflies going crazy in the pit of her stomach. Before Mirae could say anything she heard Seokyung.

"What are you two doing?"

In a blink of an eye, Seokhoon was pushed away by Mirae who stood up facing her other best friend.

"Nothing, what could be going on?"

She said a sheepish smile taking over her face.

"Are you sure? You guys were..."

Seokyung started but Mirae quickly interrupted her.

"We were just talking, just talking"

What Mirae didn't know was whom was she trying to convince. Seokyung or herself?

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