Chapter 15

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"Why would you drag me away like this? That woman had information I need to go back and talk to her"

Mirae complained to Seokhoon who was still dragging her with him. Finally he came to a stop and let go of her wrist, turning to face her.

"Mirae I think I know where Seol Ah is"

Seokhoon said as Mirae's eyes widened.

"Really? Where is she?"

"I think they have her locked up in the mechanical room"

"What? In the mechanical room? I should go there"

Mirae said turning around to head towards the mechanical room.

"Let me come with you, it isn't safe to go alone"

Seokhoon said matching his steps with her. Mirae nodded knowing she'd feel ore safer with Seokhoon by her side. While walking they came across their friends minus Ha Eunbyeol.

"Ah there they are"

She heard Jenny say and all three of them made their way towards them.

"We've been looking for you, Seokhoon and Eunbyeol for so long, where were you guys? Wait Eunbyeol isn't with them"

Minhyuk said looking around for the last person of the group.

"You should go look for her as well"

Mirae said wanting them to leave so she could go to the mechanical room. Jenny and Minhyuk left discussing where Eunbyeol could be but Seokyung stayed behind.

"You know you two have been weird these days. Is there something going on between you two?"

Seokyung asked tilting her head and looking at the two.

"What can be going on Seokyung?"

Seokhoon asked her. Mirae didn't have the time to talk and decided it would be better to go without Seokhoon then not go at all.

"Seokyung I need to use the restroom real quick, I'll meet you guys later"

Mirae said and after giving Seokhoon an assuring look dashed towards the mechanical room. Reaching there, Mirae pushed open the door and called out Seol Ah's name but there was no answer. Rushing inside, Mirae spotted a fallen chair and something's that Mirae assumed was used to tie Seol Ah up. Trembling, Mirae took out her cell phone and took pictures of the area thinking she might need to use them in the future. Knowing Min Seol Ah wasn't here anymore, Mirae rushed back outside to look for her.

"Min Seol Ah, where are you?"

Even though Mirae knew she probably wouldn't have her phone with her, she still tried calling her and just as she expected, Seol Ah didn't pick up. Ending the call, Mirae looked up just to see Joo Dan Tae walk by her, with an alert look on his face, as if he was frightened someone would stop him for something. Making a split decision, Mirae rushed towards him and stood in front of him stopping him from walking further.

"Where's Min Seol Ah?"

Mirae loudly asked the man she loathed.

"Kim Mirae, Is this how you talk to a grown up?"

Dan Tae asked the girl a surprised look on his face. Mirae wasn't a girl who'd speak with disrespect towards anyone.

"You know where she is please tell me where she is?"

Mirae asked again. She could feel tears threatening to spill from her eyes but she couldn't care less.

"How am I supposed to know where that brat is?"

Joo Dan Tae said pushing the girl aside. Mirae stumbled a little and couldn't do anything to stop the grown man walking away. She glared at his back and decided to search for the girl herself. Running around the corridors of Hera Palace was a big trial in heels, but that didn't stop Mirae from running around, calling for her friend. She continuously called her as well, having some hope that she might answer.

"Mirae ah I'm so glad I found you"

Mirae heard her mother from behind and turned around to see her mother running towards her.

"Suryeon unnie was found unconscious in an elevator, the helpers brought her up, I have to go see if she's fine. Would you tell the twins for me? I'm sure they'd want to know"

Eun Sook said to her daughter.

"Eomma I'm really sorry I'm a little busy right now I'm looking for a friend"

"Which friend?"

"You remember our tutor, Min Seol Ah, I can't seem to find her and I'm sure she's here at Hera Palace"

"Min Seol Ah? Here at Here Palace?"

Eun Sook asked her daughter a shocked look on her face.

"Yeah, I think Cheon Seojin and Joo Dan Tae have something to do with-"

"Mirae come with me I need to tell you something"

Eun Sook said and made Mirae go with her to the penthouse. What could Mirae do? It was her mother. Once they reached Shim Suryeon's room, Eun Sook told her daughter everything the two had found out.

"So you're telling me, the twin's mother is Seol Ah's biological mother?"

Mirae asked her mother still confused about this new revelation. Before Eun Sook could reply they heard a gasp and saw Suryeon sitting up.

"Unnie, Are you fine?"

Eun Sook asked her friend.

"Min Seol Ah I saw her fall on the statue I need to go check I-"

She started saying and then got out of bed and dashed outside. Eun Sook looked at Mirae who was staring at nothing in particular.

"I think she went downstairs let's go"

Mirae heard her mother. Yeah it's impossible, Miss Suryeon probably saw something else Mirae thought.

Min Seol Ah couldn't be dead.

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