Chapter 8

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"When will the results be announced?"

Mirae asked her friends as she paced back and forth across the room. The weather was dreary which made Mirae even more nervous. Seokyung, Seokhoon and Mirae were all waiting for their parents, who had decided to go out later. Something Mirae hated because in her opinion Joo Dan Tae just killed the whole mood but her mother always forced her to come to these dinners saying it made the family's closer to which Mirae replied saying that wasn't true as seeing the monster made her hate him even more. Nevertheless, Mirae had to go.

"You'll get in don't worry"

Seokyung said standing up as she spotted her parents walk towards them. Mirae and Seokhoon followed suit and greeted the parents before they all started walking towards the exit together. On the way out the group noticed Anna Lee, the tutor come in. Shim Suryeon and Eun Sook greeted her saying they hadn't seen her in a while. Mirae also waved at the tutor before she started walking away from them.

Just then Mirae's phone dinged. As quick as a flash her phone was in her hand.

"The results are out"

Joo Dan Tae said checking his phone too. Yeah thanks for stating the obvious Mirae thought rolling her eyes before opening the message.

"I got in!!"

She said smiling widely as her mother pulled her into a hug. After breaking the hug she turned to her friends.

"I got in. Did you get in?"

Seokhoon asked his twin who nodded.

"Aren't you happy we all got in?"

Mirae asked looking at her best friends who hadn't even smiled.

"Who placed first in the singing?"

Seokyung asked no one in particular.

"Someone by the name Min Seol Ah"

Joo Dan Tae replied. Mirae looked at Seokyung who looked like she was trying to recall something. Before she could ask her what was going on Seokyung rushed towards their tutor and reached to pull her hair. Mirae closed her eyes not wanting to see the tutor in pain but upon hearing nothing, which could relate to the pain she opened her eyes and jumped when she saw a wig on the floor. Shim Suryeon went forward and asked Seokyung what she was doing to her teacher to which Seokyung told them everything. How she had seen the tutor at the test. She reached to pull out Anna's wallet and was about to find her ID card to prove herself but Joo Dan Tae took the wallet and looked for himself.

"Min Seol Ah?"

Joo Dan Tae said looking at the girl with a smirk on his face. Mirae's hands flew to her mouth upon the revelation. Mirae felt betrayed and lost. How could this happen? How was someone she met everyday not be the person she met everyday? Nothing made sense to her at the moment. Knowing the plan was probably cancelled Mirae decided to head back to her apartment. Her mother called out to her asking where she was going but Mirae couldn't hear her with all the thoughts buzzing in her head. Should she leave Seol Ah in the hands of that cruel monster? But on the other hand, what was the worst he could do? Fire her? At that moment Mirae believed that was the harshest punishment Seol Ah should receive, she deserved it. Or did she? Nothing made sense to Mirae. She reached her room and fell on her bed, different thoughts still encircling her brain.

"Am I making a big deal out of nothing?"

Mirae said to herself and they followed to clutch her hair, telling herself she didn't do anything wrong.

"Mirae ah Are you alright?'

Mirae heard her mother outside her room and rushed outside to talk to her.

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