Chapter 27

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"I'm soo tired"

Mirae said stretching as she looked up from her studies. She was sitting with Seokhoon who was teaching her some math problems before his tutor came. Seokyung had told the two that seeing them study was driving her crazy thus she had went to her room.

"Come on Mirae we just started"

Seokhoon said looking at the girl who he knew wouldn't study anymore.

"When is your tutor coming?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon in hopes of making him forget about studying.

"They'll be here soon, I'll go check on Seokyung"

Seokhoon said clearly knowing what Mirae was trying to do. Seokhoon got up to look for Seokyung while Mirae followed him soundlessly.

"Have you seen Seokyung?"

Seokhoon asked a maid who shook her head not knowing where the girl was. Seokhoon looked confused. He turned around to leave the room when he saw Mirae peeking through the door, upon seeing him coming back Mirae ran back to the table they were studying on. Seokhoon shook his head finding her behavior cute.

"Where's Seokyung?"

Mirae asked the boy as he came to sit back on the table.

"I don't know she left the house. Did you see her leave?"

"No I was too focused listening to you"

"Of course you were"

Seokhoon said knowing Mirae probably didn't listen to a word he said during their study session.

"Have you seen my phone?"

Mirae asked the boy who shook his head. Mirae looked around for her phone and smiled once she finally found it.

"I'm going to go hang out with Bae Rona, you have fun studying"

Mirae said laughing. She walking out when she opened her chat just to see a message she hadn't sent to Rona.

"Seokhoon ah"

She raced back to the room. Seokhoon at once stood up seeing the worried look on the girl's face.

"What happened?"

Seokhoon asked walking closer to her.

"You don't think something happened to Rona right? I think Seokyung sent her a message from my phone. Seokhoon she won't end up like Min Seol Ah will she?"

Seokhoon could see Mirae was really worried, he was too but right now all he could see was Mirae who was trembling with fear, her eyes glossy as she looked at him. Seokhoon never thought Mirae could have been this badly affected by Min Seol Ah's death but he understood it completely. Someone who had barely come in her life had left after being bullied by her friends, it must have been hard on her. Was she still scared her friends would do something as horrible as they did to Min Seol Ah?

"Mirae let's go look in the community room, that's what the message says"

Seokhoon said placing his hands on Mirae shoulders and bending down a little to look in her eyes. Mirae nodded as the two quickly ran towards the community room. They found Bae Rona sitting on a chair.

"Bae Rona"

Mirae ran closer to the girl and checked her for any wounds.

"Are you alright? Want happened?"

She asked the girl who was looking back at her with no emotions on her face. Rona simply stood up and walked away.

"Rona yah"

Mirae called out to her.

"Mirae Seokhoon you two can stop acting I know everything. I'd prefer if we don't talk to each other anymore"

Rona said before walking away.

"Seokhoon what just happened?"

Mirae asked the boy who was just as confused as the girl himself.

"We'll talk to her later, don't worry it'll be fine, I have to go back to the penthouse now"

Seokhoon said glancing at the clock. Mirae bid Seokhoon goodbye, before heading to her own apartment.

The next day all the Hera Palace kids were sitting together when Rona walked up to them. Mirae looked at her expectantly wondering if she was hear to talk to them finally. Bae Rona hadn't answered any of her texts since last night. What shocked Mirae was seeing Bae Rona apologize for impersonating Min Seol Ah. If Mirae hadn't known who was behind it then maybe she might have thought it could be Rona, because come on why else would someone apologize? But she knew who was behind it how could Rona assume it was her? Mirae watched as Ha Eunbyeol talked to her with a confident look on her face. Mirae found that suspicious. After Rona had left and all the kids were getting up to leave Mirae grabbed Eunbyeol's wrist stopping the girl.

"What's wrong Mirae ah?"

She asked the girl in an innocent tone. Mirae had never wanted to hurt someone so badly. She knew Eunbyeol had a hand in making Rona apologize for something she didn't do.

"What did you do?"

Mirae asked the girl a glare on her face.

"What do you mean?"

Eunbyeol asked scared. Mirae was someone who would never start a fight, end it probably but never start it.

"What did you do to Rona?"

Mirae asked her voice rising a little.

"What can I do?"

Ha Eunbyeol said in an innocent tone again, a tone that made Mirae want to throw up.

"Ha Eunbyeol I'm warning you if I find out you did something to her I swear I won't hold back"

Mirae said in low tone before walking away leaving Ha Eunbyeol repeatedly tucking her hair behind her ear. The rest of the day continued with the mid term tests and Mirae continued to be surprised. Bae Rona, who took pride in her singing and loved to sing, ended up messing the test. Mirae at once turned to Eunbyeol just to notice her smirking. Mirae clenched her fists. Was all this really necessary? What had Rona done to her? The sight of Rona leaving the school, after resigning was the final straw for Mirae. She watched as the girl walked away from the school and wondered if she would talk to her if they come across each other at Hera Palace.

"And that's how my day went."

Mirae said coming back to Logan and ranting to him about her day. It was a wonder how much time he spent with Mirae along with the billion other things he was doing.

"I feel sorry for Bae Rona because of me she had to face all this"

Logan said looking down at his hands probably thinking about something.

"I really think there's more to this, Ha Eunbyeol that girl is very fishy"

Mirae said thoughtfully. Logan looked up to her.

"But that beside the point Bae Rona hasn't been speaking to me and if she won't speak to me I won't get what's happening, Logan it's frustrating, frustrating"

Mirae said as she ran her hand through her hair.

"I'm sure she'll come around give her some time"

Logan said standing up and ruffling the girl's hair.

"Want some ice cream?"

He asked seeing she was sad. Seeing a smile on the Mirae's face made him shake his head. How could a person who was near to crying suddenly smile at the mention of ice cream? Well then ice cream was ice cream, it was her happy place.


So just a few chapters are left. Then I will start book 2 hope you guys like the story so far. There weren't many Scenes with Seokhoon but their relationship will show more in the second book!!!!

Thank you for all the love you've been showing so far <3<3

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