Chapter 13

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Mirae, Seokyung and Jenny were walking towards their apartments together when they heard a commotion nearby. Being the curious girls they were they headed towards the commotion just to see a girl of their age breaking the gifts Ha Eunbyeol had gotten and was screaming at her for cheating her way in Cheong Ah High School. Mirae recognized her as the girl she had wished luck to while she was looking for Seokhoon on the day of the test. It ended with the girl being sent out of the palace. The three went back to walking towards their apartments as if nothing had happened.

"Well it's not a hidden fact that Ha Eunbyeol got in because of her relations"

Seokyung said to the two who nodded.

"I guess some people just find it harder to accept this than others"

Jenny said shrugging. Mirae looked down a smile on her face. The way Jenny said it made it more hilarious than it actually was. The three of them said goodbye to each other and each headed their own way.

"Did you hear what happened at the penthouse today?"

Mirae's mother asked her as they were having a meal.

"What happened?"

Mirae asked a curious look on her face. She hadn't heard anything weird from the Joo siblings.

"Apparently all the kids took part in the act of lynching against your former tutor. The recording of them doing it was sent to the parents. I'm hoping you weren't involved"

Eun Sook said observing her daughter incase she lied about something.

"You didn't get the recording?"

"That's beside the point. Were you involved?"

"Eomma you think I was?"

"I just wanted to make sure"

"No I wasn't, don't worry"

Mirae said. Eun Sook nodded glad to know Mirae wasn't apart of this kind of acts.

"Do you think you're mother would allow you after what happened today?"

Mirae asked Minhyuk on the phone. Mirae, Minhyuk and Jenny had made a plan to go to park and have some fun together but now Mirae was worried they won't be able to go because of the recording.

"If you come and ask her I'm sure she'd agree"

"No, not at all. The last time I did this for you I ended up listening to an hour long lecture about how you're an awful child, Nope, definitely not doing that again."

Ten minutes later, Mirae was knocking on the door to the Lee's apartment.

"Hello Mrs. Lee, how are you?"

Mirae started as soon as Mrs. Lee opened the door.

"I'm fine, you're mother raised such a good child, unlike my Minhyuk who doesn't listen to his mother nor shows any respect to others..."

And Mrs. Lee started with her rants. It was new record this time on how quickly she started, Mirae hadn't even entered the house. After about an hour Mirae and Minhyuk finally left the house.

"My social battery has been fully drained, you'll have to bring Jenny"

Mirae turned to her friend with a tired smile on her face. Minhyuk agreed of course after complaining a little but Mirae could be quite persuasive. After finally the trio was together they finally sat in Mirae's car and headed towards the park. This was kind of a tradition for the three to do every month. They just went to a park and lazed around, played badminton or had instant ramen something their parents rarely allowed. After spending a fun time they all decided to head back. On the way to the car Mirae's phone started ringing. Telling Minhyuk and Jenny to sit in the car without her, Mirae picked up the call.


"Mirae ah its me Seol Ah"

"Oh Seol Ah is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's fine, could we meet up I really need to talk to you about something"

Mirae sent Minhyuk and Jenny without her, giving them the excuse that she had to go somewhere really important. After hailing a taxi Mirae was off to the place Seol Ah had told her to come to. Upon reaching there Mirae noticed Seol Ah was nowhere to be seen. She tried calling her but she didn't pick up any call nor was reading any of her texts. After waiting for about an hour, Mirae decided to head back to her house. There wasn't much she could do anyway at the moment.

"Did you have fun?"

Eun Sook asked her daughter as she entered the apartment.

"Yeah it was fun"

Mirae replied her mind still wondering why Seol Ah hadn't replied to her messages or calls.

"Eomma, I'm going to head to my room now. I'm pretty tired"

Mirae said to her mother and left the room after kissing her mother goodnight. Before Mirae could enter the room, Maid Choi stopped her.

"Your friend sent a package to you, you weren't here so I took it for you"

Maid Choi said handing the girl a small cardboard box. Mirae thanked the lady and went to her room curious what was inside the box. Upon opening the box Mirae found a folded paper alongside a tiny USB. Slowly she opened the note and was shocked to see it was from Min Seol Ah:

Mirae ah could you please keep this for me. If anything ever happens to me could you reveal this video to everyone? If I have already talked too you before you received this package then you'd know what's in it. But if I haven't talked to you yet you can watch for the video and see for yourself. Thank you for being on my side.

Your friend, Min Seol Ah

Mirae carefully placed the notebook back in the box and took out the tiny USB. She reached for her laptop and hurriedly put the USB in. Her trembling hands making the task harder than expected. Clicking on the folder Mirae saw only two files in it. An audio file and a video file. Mirae clicked on the audio file first and cringed when she heard her friends making fun of Seol Ah. Closing it before it finished, Mirae opened the video file. Mirae's hands flew to her mouth when she saw the content of the video.

Joo Dan Tae and Cheon Seojin were making out.


Now the real plot of the season will start. I hope I didn't prolong the introduction chapters too much

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