Chapter 10

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As Mirae walked back to Hera Palace, the wounds finally began to sting badly. It was probably because she didn't have any distraction any more so the pain finally started to kick in. While contemplating about what to do with the wounds, Mirae heard her phone ring. She reached to pull out her phone from her pockets.

Upon seeing the name of one of her best friends, Mirae didn't want to pick up but then decided that if she didn't pick up and he didn't find her at home, he'd probably arrange a search team for her and that was the last thing Mirae wanted.


She said as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Mirae, where are you, you aren't home neither are you in the entire Hera Palace, it's really late where are you?"

She heard Seokhoons worried voice from the other side. But at that time even his worried tone seemed to be mocking her. How could he be worried for her when he left a girl of the same age in a burning vehicle?

"I'm fine Seokhoon. I'll be back in a few minutes"

She replied in a bored tone not really wanting to talk to him at the moment.

"I'll come pick you up just tell me where you are"

She heard him say causing her to sigh.

"I said I'm fine just leave me alone"

She said before cutting the call. Should she act like she knew? Or should she feign ignorance? She knew that her friends bullied other kids but this was the extreme. Min Seol Ah could have died. Didn't they care at least? What should she do? Mirae thought as she stood outside the Hera Palace building. What was the right thing to do?

Taking a deep breath she entered the building, planning to go straight upstairs and sleep her confusion and worries away. Little did she know there was an obstacle waiting for her inside.

Seokhoon ran over as soon as he spotted his best friend grabbing her tightly in a hug. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried at all. When he reached back home he noticed he had received a missed call from Mirae. Deciding to go talk to her he headed towards her apartment just to find her not there. After assuring Mirae's mother that she was probably at the penthouse, just like she usually sneaked out to go there most nights, Seokhoon left her apartment and started to search for her in different parts of Hera Palace. Seokyung also joined him worried for her best friend who rarely went out this late at night. After not finding her anywhere Seokhoon decided to call her. He was relieved to find out that she was fine but still waited for her to come back. And as he spotted her, out of instinct he rushed over to hug her.

In between the hug Seokhoon felt Mirae slightly shaking. Pulling apart he looked at Mirae just to notice there were tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Mirae, what's wrong?"

He asked her frantically.

"It hurts Seokhoon, it really hurts"

Mirae sobbed. Seokhoon looked at her and noticed the blood on her hands.

"Mirae how did you hurt your hands? You know how important your hands are, how could you be so careless with them?"

Seokhoon asked her holding her hands in his gently.

"I'll take care of it don't worry"

She said taking out her hands from his grasp. Seokhoon didn't listen to her and dragged her to the penthouse with him wanting to treat the wounds himself. Once they arrived at the penthouse he took Mirae straight to his room and made her sit down on his bed. He headed out to bring the first aid kit just when Seokyung came rushing into his room. Seokhoon had texted her that he had found her and had brought her up to his room and Seokyung rushed over.

"Kim Mirae! Are you crazy? You know how worried I was for you? Why would you leave this late at night without telling anyone where you were going?"

Seokyung asked sitting next to her best friend. Her eyes widened once she noticed the blood on Mirae's hands.

"Who did this to you?"

She asked Mirae in a dangerous voice.

Well technically you Mirae wanted to say but instead she said:

"I just cut myself. It was no one"

"What's wrong Mirae? You looked like you cried?"

Seokyung said rubbing her back as a sign of comfort knowing that her best friend was very upset about something. At the same time Seokhoon dragged a chair to sit in front of Mirae to treat her cuts.

"I was looking for you both and I couldn't find you"

Mirae said her eyes focused on Seokhoons hands, which were slowly and carefully bandaging her wounds.

"Well next time, don't just leave like that. Tell someone where you're going"

Seokyung said to her friend. Seokyung was really worried for Mirae. Mirae and Seokhoon were the two people who she trusted completely. Seeing even one of them in distress caused her to be in distress as well. Seeing Mirae not make eye contact with her pained her. She hoped everything would be fine by tomorrow.

Once Seokhoon was done, Mirae stood up:

"I'll leave now"

She said and was about to leave when Seokyung stopped her.

"How about you stay here tonight? We could watch a movie and have ice cream."

"No, I'm tired, I'll see you guys soon"

Mirae said leaving the room.

"You don't think she found out what happened today?"

Seokyung asked her twin brother who was still staring at the spot Mirae was standing.

"If she did find out this won't be the last time we'll receive this kind of treatment"

Seokhoon sighed. Both the twins looked at each other not knowing exactly what to do at the moment.


I wanted to know if you guys want see more Mirae and Seol Ah scenes. Let me know in the comments!

Plus also let me know what you think of the story so far!!

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