Chapter 28

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Mirae was running in the rain while tightly clutching the umbrella she was holding. Now why was she being so stupid? Probably because she had left her music book at school and needed to go get. Some people might find it simply foolish to go out in the rain for a music book, but Mirae couldn't spend a second without it and as soon the girl got time she dashed out to get it. If her mother or Seokhoon found out they would kill her, not literally of course but they'd tell her how stupid she was to even think of such a thing let alone actually do it.

Once Mirae had gotten the book back, she started walking back definitely proud of herself. Smiling to herself, Mirae heard something tumble down the stairs below her. Curiously the girl peeked through the bushes just to see Cheon Seojin sitting next to a body. Even from a far Mirae could see a pool of blood near the body. Mirae thinking Cheon Seojin probably needed help was about to go over when she saw the woman run away and leave the body lying. Not knowing what to do Mirae took out her phone with trembling hands and dialed 112.

"There's someone hurt here"

Mirae said to the person on the other side, her voice badly trembling. After telling the person where she was she heard the other side cut the call. Shivering with fear, Mirae started to contemplate whether she should see whom it was or not. As she finally decided to go, she heard the ambulance sirens causing her to run away before someone caught her.

Instead of going home, Mirae headed towards Logan's hotel. Logan's secretary saw Mirae running frantically and escorted her immediately to Logan's room.

"What happened Mirae? Kim Mirae what happened?"

Logan at once asked when he saw the dripping wet Mirae standing in front of him. He also noticed Mirae was crying as he came closer. Seeing that the girl as too shocked to say anything yet he simply pulled her in a hug letting the girl let it all out. After a few minutes Logan was sitting in front of Mirae who was wrapped in a towel to dry her and keep her warm.

"So what happened?"

Logan gently asked the girl. And then and there it all came out. Mirae left the information out about seeing Cheon Seojin there for reasons unknown to her as well. Something in her told her not to tell Logan that just yet.

"Do you know who it was?"

Logan asked once he heard the story. Mirae shook her head.

"I didn't go close to him, Logan what if that man's dead?"

"Judging by your description the man probably fell down from the stairs and hit his head somewhere."

Logan said standing up and walking around the room while Mirae just looked at him. Just then Mirae heard people come in the room. Mirae was surprised to see her mother and Miss Suryeon coming in with worried looks on their faces.

"Mirae is everything alright?"

Her mother asked the girl while tucking Mirae's hair behind her ear.

"You know my mother?"

Mirae asked Logan in a surprised tone. Logan simply nodded.

"So you all know each other? And you didn't think it was important to tell me you knew each other?"

Mirae glared at the three adults standing in the room.

"Mirae ah we just didn't have time to tell you"

The twin's mother softly said.

"What about you huh? You were coming to an unknown man's hotel room almost everyday and you didn't tell me either"

Eun Sook said to her daughter lightly smacking her head. Mirae looked at Logan who looked away leaving Mirae on her own.

"Eomma, I- let's go home I'm tired"

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