Chapter 21

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Ha Eunbyeol was singing.

Which was not new for Mirae as she sat on her seat a bored look on her face. Just like always, the homeroom teacher, Maa Duki showered her with praises as she walked to her seat. Next up was Bae Rona. Mirae rested her head on her hand as she watched the girl walk to the front of the room. As she started singing, Maa Duki stopped her telling her to sing mezzo instead. Mirae looked at the teacher in surprise, she didn't know much about singing but she did know that Rona's voice suited soprano more. She was glad the spoke up regarding the matter. Maa Duki bein the stubborn teacher he was didn't back down and challenged the girl that if she could sing the latter part of Migron in Giositana, he would let her sing soprano. Mirae heard voices of disbelief echo around the room.

"There's no way she could sing that"

Mirae heard Jenny say. Mirae knew the part she was asked to sing was hard, she looked at the girl worried as Rona started to sing. But Mirae was worried for nothing, Bae Rona sang the part beautifully, everyone had a surprised look on his or her face including Maa Duki. When Rona stopped singing, Mirae started applauding her, the others joined after a second of hesitation. Rona smiled at Mirae as she headed back to her seat, Mirae smiled back. A smile that ensured a start of a beautiful friendship.

Mirae was skipping to class while the Joo twins walked with her. Both of them on their phones, most probably texting each other, when they came across the new P.E teacher, Goo Ho Dong.

"Kim Mirae, can I talk to you for a second"

He said, Mirae noticed he spoke with a very different dialect from Seoul's dialect. Seokhoon looked at the teacher and Mirae could see in his eyes that he didn't trust the man at all, but Mirae was curious about him and decided to talk to him.

"You guys go, I'll join you later"

Mirae said to the twins. They both looked at her, silently telling her they didn't trust him but Mirae smiled at the two assuring them it was fine. Glaring at the teacher they left the corridor and headed to class.

"Who are you exactly and how do you know my name?"

Mirae asked him as soon as the twins left.

"Little girl you have too many questions, ask them one by one"

"How do you know me?"

"I know you as the only person who my sister trusted here , which also makes you the only sister I trust here"

"Who's your sister?"

"Someone might hear me here, come to this address after school, we'll talk here"

The teacher replied his dialect disappearing completely. Mirae looked at him in surprise as he handed her a piece of paper.

"See you later then Kim Mirae"

Goo Ho Dong said his dialect appearing in his speech again, before leaving Mirae alone. Before Mirae could process what had happened she remembered she was late for class. Forgetting the talk for now she raced towards her class and gladly made it just on time.

Mirae noticed a box of chocolate milk on her desk and looked at Seokyung asking her if she put it but in response Seokyung looked towards, Rona indicating she gave it to Mirae.

"Thank you Rona yah"

Mirae said putting the drink in her pocket and sitting on her seat. The class started with Rona getting scolded by Maa Duki for not finishing her assignment. Mirae glanced at Eunbyeol who had a smirk on her face, she knew she was behind it but there wasn't really much she could do. She hated feeling this helpless.

After class she followed Rona outside, wanting to apologize to her. She stopped next to her while Rona was getting a drink from the vending machine.

"I'm sorry about the ticket thing, I guess some people are just jealous of your skills"

Mirae said to Rona who smiled back at her upon receiving the compliment.

"You shouldn't be sorry, it wasn't you who did it"

Rona said as she watched Mirae get a drink for herself as well. Mirae decided to hang out with Rona during the break. The two were chatting about random things when the P.E teacher came and called for Mirae again. Excusing herself Mirae went towards him.

"Follow me"

The teacher simply said as he led Mirae to the gym. Goo Ho Dong made Mirae peak a little through the door. Mirae's eyes widened when she saw what her friends were doing inside. Before she could say something, the teacher had already gone in and stopped them. Once her friends had left Mirae headed inside to check on her classmate.

"Eunwoo are you fine?"

She asked the boy who looked at her, before scoffing and walking away. Mirae sighed as she turned to the teacher who had just walked away. Who was this man?

After school Mirae decided to go to the hotel her teacher had given her the address too. It was a pretty well known hotel, which made Mirae a little unsure about how the teacher would meet her there. Plus who was this Logan Lee she was supposed to meet at the hotel? Telling the twins she had somewhere to go, she started her journey. She made sure to send her location to her mother just in case something happened to her. She didn't fully trust the man yet. Once she reached the hotel she asked the receptionist that she wanted to meet Logan Lee. As she told her name the receptionist bowed to her and told her that Mr. Logan was expecting her. Mirae waited in the lobby for a few minutes when a man came up to her.

"Hello, you must be Kim Mirae, Mr. Logan is expecting you."

He said bowing to Mirae as well. Mirae smiled a little seeing everyone respecting her so much, who was this Logan Lee and how did he know her? As she entered the room she noticed a silver haired man sitting on one of the sofas.

"Ah Kim Mirae you're finally here. Nice to meet you, I'm Logan Lee, Min Seol Ah's brother"

At school earlier...

Rona was placing a chocolate milk drink on Seokhoon's table after Mirae's when Jenny came in asking her what she was doing near his desk.

"I'm thanking him"

Bae Rona said to the girl.

"Oh my you don't like Joo Seokhoon do you?"

Jenny asked in surprise. Bae Rona mentally rolled her eyes.

"That's none of your business"

She replied and was about to sit on her seat when Eunwoo started speaking.

"You see Bae Rona, you're new you wouldn't understand but Joo Seokhoon belongs to Seokyung and Mirae only. He always rejects girls left and right. The only girls who are allowed to talk to her are Seokyung and Mirae. I mean if it wasn't for that jerk I might have already had Mirae by my side. I mean you've got to admit that girl's a pleasure to look at"

Eunwoo was saying when suddenly Minhyuk took said 'jerk's name. Eunwoon turned around quickly and flinched at the sight of the Joo twins. Seokhoon ignored the boy and picked up the chocolate milk thanking Rona for it, who smiled at him. He then walked towards Eunwoo and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"We haven't played together in a while how about we have a little game later in the gym?"

He asked the boy before heading back to his seat.

All the Hera Palace kids were laughing as Eunwoo tried to punch Seokhoon with a blindfold on his eyes. Seokhoon walked closer to the boy and whispered in his ear before punching him again.

"You know I hate it when people talk about what's mine"

Seokhoon hated the way the boy had spoken about Mirae and wanted to show him exactly what happens when someone messes with someone he cares about, especially someone he cared the most about.

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