Chapter 30

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"Seokyung can we talk?"

Mirae asked the girl who was curled up in her chair memorizing something from a piece of paper.

"What do you want?"

Seokyung asked without looking her way, which pained Mirae.

"Seokyung ah, just because I'm friends with Bae Rona doesn't mean I won't be your friend anymore"

Mirae started and was glad that Seokyung finally looked at her.

"Plus Bae Rona didn't send the messages, Ha Eunbyeol blackmailed her into admitting that"

Mirae continued. Seokyung still just looked at her.

"I'm sorry Seokyung ah, I don't like us not talking to each other. Would you forgive me?"

Mirae asked looking at Seokyung expectantly. Seokyung stood up and pulled her best friend in a hug. Mirae was startled at first but hugged her back a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry as well, I was scared you'd leave me"

Seokyung said during the hug.

"Seokyung I'll never leave you"

Mirae said as the two broke the hug. As soon as they broke the hug, Seokyung sat back down and started chanting numbers that made no sense to Mirae.

"What are you doing?"

Mirae curiously asked and peeked at what Seokyung was reading, only to find out it was the exams answers.

"Seokyung- why? Didn't Seokhoon give you all the answers?"

Mirae softly asked the girl sitting next to her.

"He stopped, he doesn't care anymore"

Seokyung simply said. Mirae shook her head when she heard what Seokyung said. Seokhoon not caring about her was like the sun not rising anymore. She was about to say something when she heard someone come in the room.

"What are you doing?"

Mirae heard Seokhoon say and judging through his voice he seemed angry.

"I needed to get help from somewhere now that you've stopped"

Seokyung said.

"Where did you get this from?"

"Appa gave them to me"

"Seokyung this isn't right-"

"Appa said it was fine so it's fine"

Seokyung said going back to memorizing the numbers. Seokyung raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear when Mirae noticed a bruise on her wrist. She was about to say something but Seokhoon beat her to it.

"Where did you get these from?"

Seokhoon asked grabbing her wrist.

"When I took something I need to receive something as well"

Seokyung simply said as Seokhoon slammed the table in anger. Mirae reached forward to grab his hand in attempt to calm him down.

"Seokyung that's not-"

Seokhoon started when they heard Joo Dan Tae scream out Shim Suryeon's name. In A second Seokhoon had the two girls behind him scared that the man may enter their room first. Mirae started fiddling with her fingers as the screams continued. Mirae knew all about Joo Dan Tae's behavior but this was the first time she was experiencing it. Seokhoon looked at Mirae and noticed her clearly freaked out. Not knowing exactly what else he could do, he simply wrapped his arm around the girl rubbing her arms in a soothing manner. On the other hand he still had Seokyung sit behind him not letting her go outside. After a while there was silence. Mirae looked t Seokhoon wanting to ask him what was going on but how could he know if he didn't.

"Mirae, Seokyung, stay here both of you"

Seokhoon said standing up and was about to leave when Mirae ran and stood in front of him.

"I'm not letting you go out there, he might kill you"

Mirae said clearly scared.

"He won't, trust me okay Mirae?"

Seokhoon said tucking Mirae's loose hair behind her ear. Mirae looked at him with pleading eyes begging him not to go but Seokhoon assured her with a smile and went outside, anger radiating from his body. Mirae looked at Seokyung worriedly.

"He'll be fine don't worry"

Seokyung said but Mirae wasn't sure who she was assuring, herself or Mirae? When Mirae heard the man slap Seokhoon, she stood up ready to go outside but was stopped by Seokyung.

"Stay here, Seokhoon would want you to stay here"

Seokyung said. Mirae nodded as she sat down, her leg constantly bouncing due to nerves. When Seokhoon came in the first thing Mirae noticed was the blood on his face.

"Did he hurt you? Where is the blood coming from?"

Mirae asked him as she ran closer to him, Seokyung following behind. Seokhoon shook his head before heading to wipe off the blood. Mirae and Seokyung looked at each other.

"I'll be back with something to drink"

Seokyung said leaving Mirae alone with Seokhoon.

"Seokhoon are you alright?"

Mirae walked closer to the boy who was furiously rubbing his face with a wet towel.

"He tried to hurt eomma, Mirae he tried to hurt eomma. Why would he do such a thing?"

Seokhoon said turning to Mirae. Mirae looked at him. He was broken completely broken Mirae could see it. All she could do at that moment was comfort him. She wished she was a little older, old enough to teach Joo Dan Tae a lesson but if she mingled now she might end up hurt or worse dead. Mirae reached out to hug the boy. It seemed like the right thing to do and she felt Seokhoon hold on to her tightly she was sure it was the right thing to do. As they broke the hug, Mirae looked up in Seokhoons eye's silently asking if he was better. She noticed a little blood still on his face and reached to rub it off. Turning back she looked at Seokhoon just to see him already staring at her. The weird feeling came back. With Seokhoons arms still wrapped loosely around her waist Mirae felt the butterflies go crazy in the pit of her stomach. Mirae saw Seokhoon slowly lean in which caused her to close her eyes not knowing what was about to happen. But whatever it was Mirae knew she didn't mind at all. With Seokhoon she felt at ease. With Seokhoon she felt at home. She knew that for sure.

"So I don't think we have anything to drink other than alcohol, which I really want to drink right now"

Mirae heard Seokyung say that quickly made her open her eyes and leave the warmth she felt in Seokhoons arms. She turned around and was glad to see Seokyung not looking at them but reading a label on a bottle.

"We had this, which I don't know what it is exactly"

Seokyung said looking up and not noticing the flushed faces of her twin brother and best friend.

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