Chapter 23

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Mirae waited for Seokhoon outside while he was inside the office with Cheon Seojin who was deciding his punishment. Mirae and Rona knew it wasn't Seokhoon who did it, but then who did it? Mirae wondered if Seokhoon knew as she waited for him to come out.

"What happened?"

She asked the boy as son as he came out.


Seokhoon simply said shrugging.

"If Bae Rona was in your place she would have gotten suspended or worse expelled"

Mirae said glaring at the door of the room in which Cheon Seojin was sitting. Seokhoon nodded fully agreeing with Mirae. He knew the only reason he was let go was probably because of Cheon Seojin's new relationship with his father.

"Anyway do you know who did it?"

Mirae asked him.

"I thought Seokyung did it, but then I asked her about it and I have a feeling it might not be her"

"I don't think Seokyung would do something like this, she's someone who likes to deal with people herself instead of letting the school do something"

Mirae said as the two started walking silence fell between them.

"You don't think it's Ha Eunbyeol, she went to Rona's room the day we visited her."

Mirae asked Seokhoon.

"She is jealous of Bae Rona for multiple reasons, one being that she thinks I have a crush on Rona"

See even Eunbyeol thinks you like Bae Rona, Are you sure there's nothing between the two of you?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon looking at him, wanting to see how he reacted. Mirae would be lying if she said she didn't care what his answer was. She badly wanted him to tell her she was wrong. Why? That she didn't know

"It's probably because I like someone who's close to Bae Rona"

Seokhoon simply replied. Before Mirae could say something, Logan came in front of them.

"Kim Mirae you're teacher wants you in the music room"

He said to Mirae. Mirae nodded before heading towards the classroom. Her mind still thinking about what Seokhoon had said. As far as she knew, nobody was close to Bae Rona except her and maybe Seokyung. So what exactly did Seokhoon mean by that? Does that mean he liked her? No that was impossible, the two knew each other since they were in diapers, Seokhoon knew every embarrassing moment in Mirae's life, and no one could like her after knowing all those. Mirae entered the music room her thoughts still disorganized and confused.

"Ssaem you called for me?"

She asked her piano teacher.

"Oh yes I wasn't asking for you in particular but if you're here it's fine"

Her teacher said smiling at her. Mirae helped her organize the music sheets not really listening to the teacher talk about how her son had started learning the piano. It wasn't that she wasn't interested; her mind just wasn't working well. After completing the task she headed out to look for Seokhoon again, wanting to ask him what he meant. On her way she passed by the gym just to hear grunts of pain from inside. Stopping she peaked inside just to see Seokhoon being beat up by Logan. This couldn't be a boxing match for teaching as it was only the two of them. A frown made its way to Mirae's face as she decided to wait for Logan outside and ask him what was happening. She waited for the man outside the teacher's office knowing he'd come straight there.

"What was that for?"

She asked the man, who did not look like the Logan she knew at all. It was amazing how he completely transformed himself into the P.E teacher.

"Don't you think he deserved it? I didn't even hurt him as badly as he hurt Eunwoo"

"You didn't have to hit him to teach him a lesson, they're other ways"

Mirae said. She could let him mess with anyone but not with her friends, especially the Joo twins, who meant a lot to Mirae.

"They're too think skulled, they don't understand with just words"

"Well I hope this is the last time you bully the kids"

Mirae glared at him.

"By the way I took some pain relief patches from your P.E aid kit, after all it makes sense that you give me the pain relief patches as you are the cause of the pain"

Mirae said before walking away. Logan shook his head. It was weird how often Mirae reminded him of Min Seol Ah.

Mirae went outside looking for Seokhoon just to see him lying down outside. She walked closer to him and waved the patches over his face. Seokhoon opened his eyes when he felt some movement around him. Slowly he got up and took them from her.

"Why did you play with Eunwoo?"

Mirae asked him sitting next to him as he started unbuttoning his shirt. Mirae looked away, it wasn't that she hadn't seen him shirtless before. She had often helped Seokyung put ointment on his wounds given to him from his father but she still felt it would be weird to just stare at him at a time like this; he might have the wrong idea.

"He deserved it"

Seokhoon said not looking at Mirae.


"You don't need to know"

Seokhoon finally looked up making eye contact with Mirae. Mirae sighed sometimes she didn't understand Joo Seokhoon; this was one of those times.

"Stay out of trouble for the time being, the P.E teacher is one your case"

Mirae said to Seokhoon as she saw Seokyung coming from afar towards them.

"Did that teacher beat you up? I knew he was weird from the start, he even new Mirae's name. I'll talk to father about him"

Seokyung said as the other two looked at her.

"Anyway I found out who put the things in Rona's bag, Ha Eunbyeol"

As soon as Seokyung stopped talking the other two looked at each other. Guess they were right after all.

"I guess my plan's actually working" Seokyung smirked.

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