Chapter 18

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Mirae had just gotten back from Joo Hyein's funeral and was heading to the penthouse to hang out with twins for a while.

"Joo Seokyung, Joo Seokhoon I'm-"

Mirae started saying as she entered the penthouse but stopped when she came across the owner of the penthouse.

"Ahh Kim Mirae, how are you?"

Joo Dan Tae asked he girl a smile on his face. Even his smile is creepy Mirae thought.

"I'm fine."

Mirae replied wanting to leave as quick as possible from here but there was something in the mans eyes that made her stop there.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, would you perhaps take some time out for me?"

He asked Mirae, the smile still on his face. Mirae knew he'd probably talk about something she didn't want to talk about but she couldn't even bring herself to say no.

"Oh Mirae you're here"

Mirae had never been so grateful to hear Seokhoons voice. He came closer to the two of them. Seokhoon could see Mirae was scared and wanted to take her away from the place as soon as he could.

"Seokhoon I want to have a little chat with your friend here, would you leave us alone for a second"

Joo Dan tae said to his son.

"Sorry, but we had plans maybe you could talk to her later"

Seokhoon said politely but in the tone that Mirae called 'the dangerous tone'. Before Dan Tae could say something, Seokhoon had already taken Mirae with him to his room.

"I'll get the video from you Kim Mirae just you wait"

Joo Dan Tae said to himself before walking out of the penthouse.

"Thank you Seokhoon, I won't deny your father scares me"

Mirae shuddered as she entered the room where Seokyung was sitting.

"He scares everyone don't worry"

Seokyung said. The rest of the day all three spent watching movies and lazing around. But throughout the day Mirae had one question in her min, what did Joo Dan Tae want to talk to her about?

Everyone was back at school practicing for the upcoming recital. As Seokyung had come in second she was given the solo. Mirae was fuming at the teacher who was standing in the class. Mirae had decided not to come to the recital practice but Mirae's 'wonderful' teacher made her the substitute for Seokhoon and made sure she was there on every practice.

Today's practice was different from the other. Apparently Seokyung was catching a cold and couldn't sing. Mirae looked at Seokhoon who was sitting next to her, a confused look on her face. Seokhoon didn't say anything, which made Mirae even more curious then before. Cheon Seojin then asked if anyone wanted to take Seokyung's place, not surprisingly Eunbyeol's hand shot up but surprisingly Bae Rona's hand was also in the air. Mirae looked at the two who started singing like their lives depended on it and Mirae had to admit Bae Rona was better than Ha Eunbyeol. What surprised Mirae the most was the fact that Cheon Seojin, the queen of unfairness according to Mirae, also agreed that Bae Rona deserved to sing the solo. The practice continued with Rona as the solo instead of Seokyung.

"So will you two care to explain exactly what happened earlier?"

Mirae asked her two friends her arms crossed across her chest.

"Cheon Seojin strikes again I guess, she blackmailed my father with our similar test sheets and made me drop the solo, I'm glad Bae Rona is doing it anyone better than Ha Eunbyeol"

Seokyung said with a glare on her face.

"You don't think she'd do something to Bae Rona do you?"

Mirae asked the two a worried look on her face.

"I guess we'll have to see"

Seokhoon sighed. Mirae glared at nothing in particular, her hatred for Cheon Seojin growing more.

It was finally the day of the ceremony and Mirae dragged herself out of bed to get ready for it. She didn't want to go but her mother made sure she went as it was a new step in her life.

"I wanna go home"

Mirae sang as she sat on chair half dead.

"Mirae I'll be with you in the crowd as soon as I'm done with the oath, then you won't be alone"

Seokyung said knowing that was Mirae's biggest problem. She hated public events like this where different parents came up to her talking about her mothers business. She couldn't even hide behind her mother because she was already talking to a billion people herself. That's why she tended to stick with the Joo twins at times like these. Whenever she saw someone approaching them, the Joo twins would start making conversations with her to avoid the person. It was something they'd been doing for years.

"Seokhoon best of luck for your piano performance. Oh I'm so glad I'm not there"

Mirae said to Seokhoon before heading to the hall and sitting in her allocated seat. The ceremony started with the student representative's a.k.a the Joo twins taking an oath. But Mirae wasn't interested in it. She had just realized that Bae Rona hadn't arrived yet worried for the girl she left the hall and went outside to call her and ask her where she was. When Bae Rona didn't pick up, Mirae started feeling déjà vu.

"No she's not dead, she can't be dead"

Mirae repeated the words trying to comfort herself. While walking she came across Eunbyeol who was dressed in a pretty white dress as if she had the solo performance. Mirae followed Eunbyeol silently and was shocked to see her heading to the stage and standing in the middle of the stage.

"That was supposed to be Bae Rona"

Mirae thought to herself but she really couldn't do anything, Cheon Seojin had gotten her way again. Mirae stayed back stage waiting for Bae Rona to come and hoping something bad hadn't happened to her. She was glad to see the girl running towards her in a pink dress. As she came closer Mirae noticed the blood on her face.

"Bae Rona, are you alright?"

Instead of replying to Mirae the girl looked at the stage just to see Ha Eunbyeol singing in her place.

"My solo.."

Rona said and Mirae could see she was close to tears. Before she could reach out to comfort her, Mirae saw a lady who she presumed was Rona's mother. Knowing, her mother would comfort Rona better, Mirae silently greeted the woman and then left the area to go sit with Seokyung.

"She got her way"

Mirae said as soon as she sat down.

"Just like always"

Seokyung said with a glare on her face. After the recital, Cheon Seojin made the announcement that the Cheong Ah Arts Festival was going to come back after a long time. Mirae turned to see Seokyung who was looking at the trophy; she knew Seokyung was going to try her best to win the trophy. Not only Seokyung but also everyone was excited about the new announcement, as the trophy was a one-way ticket to SNU.

After the ceremony, everyone gathered around the trophy, which was on display.

"Do you think Cheon Seojin would be fair and give the trophy to someone other than her daughter?"

Mirae asked the twins who were standing by her.

"I'm sure she'll have she won't have a choice"

Seokyung said. Mirae could already see her brain working up a plan for winning the trophy. Mirae sighed as she looked at the trophy wondering how much problems it would bring in her life.

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