Chapter 24

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Mirae was seated next to Seokyung, her leg nervously bouncing as she waited for her name to get called. It was the day of Cheong Ah Arts High School ambassador camera test and Mirae was beyond nervous. Seeing everyone around her confident around her didn't help at all instead it made her more nervous. She wasn't nervous about failing; it was more about what if she made a complete fool out of herself. She had seen quite a few children sitting outside in the hall along with the judges. Mirae watched Eunbyeol pose for the camera thinking how awkward she'd look doing that. Maybe joining wasn't such a good idea Mirae thought as she gripped the edges of her dress from both sides. A smile made its way to her face, as it was Seokhoon's turn. He looked good. He always looked good but something about him today made Mirae's face feel warm. Shaking her head and lightly patting her cheeks, Mirae looked at Seokhoon wondering if she could do that well. After his turn, Seokhoon walked towards Mirae and lightly placing a hand on her shoulder. Mirae looked up at him with a surprised look.

"Calm down, you'll do a great job trust me"

Seokhoon said in a low voice for only Mirae to hear before walking back to his seat. Mirae would be lying if she said that didn't make her feel better. She wished Rona luck as Rona's name was announced. Rona smiled at her before walking away. When it was finally Mirae's turn, she took a deep breath and walked to the position. Mirae didn't need to try that hard, she never saw herself as pretty or beautiful but that didn't mean other people didn't find her breathtaking. Standing there in her light blue dress, Mirae looked like a fairy out of a fairytale and she was the only one who didn't see that. After it was done, she walked back thinking she had done awful as she had not seen the admiring looks she had gotten from the students and judges.

"You did well"

Seokyung said to Mirae as Mirae came to sit back down.

"Thank you"

Mirae smiled at her best friend. After the test all three friends decided to head home together and gather at the Hera Palace to practice for the second test. The test, which was mainly regarding their pronunciation.

"I think I'll do better in this one. What about you guys?"

Mirae said as she lay back on Seokyungs bed.

"I think I'll do well too"

Seokyung said.

"Well then I guess we'll do well tomorrow too just like today"

Mirae smiled at the two.

"I just don't want Ha Eunbyeol to win"

Seokyung said. Mirae never knew what exactly Seokyung had against Eunbyeol. Yes Eunbyeol cheated her way through most of the time but Mirae was sure all the rich kids got benefit for being from Hera Palace. Seokyung was never like that with Jenny. Mirae always sided with Seokyung whenever an argument broke out between the Eunbyeol and Seokyung but she never knew what exactly Seokyung had against Ha Eunbyeol in particular.

"Did you hear she tried to stab Bae Rona with her hair pin, the two ended up fighting like cats"

Seokyung continued with a smirk on her face.

"Really? Why didn't Rona say anything to me?"

Mirae wondered aloud.

"Kim Mirae I know I told you to be nice to Bae Rona but don't get too close to her I don't want to lose my best friend"

Seokyung said sitting next to Mirae. This might sound rude and selfish to others but it was one of Seokyungs biggest fears. She didn't have anyone in her life except her brother, Mirae and maybe her mother. She couldn't lose even on of them. The thought of not having them in her life anymore was enough to drive the girl crazy.

"Yah Joo Seokyung, nobody can take your place, I've kept a special place in my heart just for you"

Mirae dramatically said.

"Kim Mirae what will I do without you?"

Seokyung continued to follow Mirae's lead and spoke dramatically as well.

"I love you Joo Seokyung"

"I love you too Kim Mirae"

The two ended after dramatically hugging each other. Seokhoon just looked at the two shaking his head at their behavior.

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