Chapter 26

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Mirae was dead bored as the teacher was ranting about stuff that didn't make any sense to her. Instead of listening she was trying to move the chalk through telepathy but sadly, Mirae was not Matilda and as much as she concentrated she couldn't get it to move. Mirae sighed lying back on her chair.

Finally, Mirae heard the bell ring and she let out a sigh of happiness. She hoped she could head to nearest vending machine and grab something to drink in the little break in between to wake her up a little. What Mirae didn't expect was to be locked up in a classroom with her friends.

She was happily about to go over to the vending machine when Seokhoon pulled her to the classroom where the others were and locked the door. Mirae grumpily sat next Seokhoon as all of her friends started talking. The frown left her face when she heard Min Seol Ah's name.

"Min Seol Ah texted you guys? That's impossible she's dead"

Mirae said to her friends, having quite a good idea who had sent the texts.

"You didn't receive any?"

Seokyung asked her friend. Mirae shook her head opening her phone and showing Seokyung.

"That means whoever's playing with us knows about the...incident, plus they also know Mirae wasn't with us"

Seokyung said thoughtfully.

"Ha Eunbyeol are you alright?"

Mirae asked the girl who looked scared clutching her head and shivering.

"Ha Eunbyeol you've been acting weird since Min Seol Ah's death. Do you know something that we don't?"

Seokyung asked the girl who continued to shake her head. Seokhoon walked closer to the girl.

"Ha Eunbyeol, look at me and tell me what you know."

Seokhoon said in a harsh tone making Mirae shiver.

"That night Min Seol Ah didn't die in Bosuk Village, she died at Hera Palace."

Eunbyeol finally said. All the kids looked at each other fear and confusion written clearly on their face. Mirae looked at Eunbyeol. Was that really all she knew?

"Did she really die at Hera Palace? But the news said she killed herself."

Jenny asked no one in particular.

Mirae looked at everyone around her. They all seemed genuinely confused and shocked. Does that mean none of them actually knew what happened to Min Seol Ah? Mirae was glad none of them were directly involved. Every day, she was terrified at the prospect of one of them being involved in Min Seol Ah's killing.

"I found this in the lost and found back at our home"

Seokyung said pointing towards the shoe that sat in the middle of the table the kids were sitting around.

"That's Min Seol Ah's"

Mirae said as her eyes widened.

"Oh yeah I remember Min Seol Ah wearing these dirty sneakers everywhere"

Jenny said. Seokyung took out her phone and zoomed in on a picture she took on the day Min Seol Ah died, near the statue.

"This shoe was stuck in the statue that day, that means Min Seol Ah indeed did die at Hera Palace."

Seokyung concluded.

"We need to report this to the authorities"

Minhyuk said standing up.

"Are you crazy? Don't you see our parents are involved in her death"

Seokhoon said to Minhyuk causing all the kids to start freaking out more.

"For now let's ignore these texts someone's clearly using our weakness against us"

Seokhoon said and all the others agreed. Seokyung got up and put the shoe in her locker. All the kids walked out acting as if nothing had happened a few seconds ago. Mirae walked out with them only to walk away trying to find the person who sent the message.

"You've succeeded they're really scared."

Mirae said to Logan as she came near him.

"They have her shoe it's in Seokyungs locker"

"Thanks I'll use that information wisely"

"Logan please don't go too far it's their parents that are the real culprits"

Mirae said again. She was scared this could affect her friends very negatively. She knew they did deserve it to some extent but she still cared for them deeply. Logan nodded smiling lightly at how Mirae was so worried her friends. Spending time with Mirae, Logan had started getting close to her and treated her just like a little sister. Even though half the time the two argued, Logan knew he wouldn't want to see Mirae upset. He also knew Min Seol Ah would want him to take care of the girl as well. He remembered talking to Min Seol Ah once when she mentioned her the first time.

"Oppa, you know I have a friend now"

Logan heard Seol Ah's voice and even without seeing her face he knew she was smiling.

"Really what's her name?

Logan asked her and this was enough for Seol Ah to start gushing about Mirae.

"Oppa if you ever come to Korea I'll make sure you meet her, you'll love her she's really amazing"

Logan smiled knowing hen this new friend meant a lot to Min Seol Ah.

Mirae was back in the room again, this time the kids weren't calm at all, someone had taken the shoe out of Seokyungs locker and Seokyung was angry about it.

"Whoevers messing with us come out face us you coward"

Seokyung loudly said as Mirae reached to calm her down.

"Let's not think too much about this" Mirae said to all the kids who nodded leaving the room. The twins and Mirae looked at each other.

"Mirae do you know who's behind this?"

Seokyung turned to her friend.

"How would I know?"

Mirae lied. She lied to her friends; guilt began to creep into her heart. She hoped this was the last time she had to lie like this but she knew this probably wasn't the last time.

"Ha Eunbyeol knows something"

Mirae said to Logan as she lay down on the sofa of his hotel room while Logan looked into some files sitting on a chair.

"Why would you say that?"

"She must have seen Min Seol Ah at Hera Palace that's how she knows right?"

Mirae said sitting up to properly look at Logan. Logan looked at Mirae a thoughtful look on his face.

"Why do you spend most of your time here though? Don't you have a house to go to?"

Logan asked her.

"First of all you were the one who told me to feel at home here, secondly what can I do at home, eomma spends all her time with Miss Suryeon and Miss Yoon Hee"

Mirae sulked lying back down.

"Ok fine stay here for as long as you want, if you need anything tell my secretary he'd get it for you"

Logan said looking back at his papers. Mirae smiled as she stood up and headed towards Logan's secretary to ask him if he could get her some ice cream.

"No more ice cream though, you're mothers going to kill me if she finds out I'm the reason for your everyday sugar rush"

Logan said to Mirae causing her to slump back to the sofa.

"You're saying Bae Rona is impersonating Min Seol Ah?"

Mirae asked Eunbyeol.

"Doesn't it make sense?"

Eunbyeol asked turning to the others who had thoughtful looks on their faces and that's how they made a plan to steal Bae Rona's phone and look through it. Seokyung smirked when they found Sugar's pictures in Rona's phone while Mirae looked confused. She knew things wouldn't look good for Bae Rona if the kids actually thought it was Bae Rona who did it.

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