Chapter 7

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It was finally the day of the entry test to one of the most prestigious performing arts school in South Korea, Cheong Ah Arts School. Mirae awoke with a strong sense of self-assurance. She had practiced all night till her hands hurt and even decided to play one more time in the morning for good measure. Kim Eun Sook was also preparing for the big day. Knowing that her daughter would not eat before the test due to excitement and nerves she told Maid Choi to prepare a big meal once they came back home because Mirae's appetite would be back by then.

"Good morning Eomma"

Mirae said stepping in the living room.

"Someone looks confident for today"

Her mother said a proud smile on her face.

"I just have a feeling that nothing will go wrong today, I don't know why"

Mirae replied sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen and helping herself to some grapes.

"We don't want to be late we should get going"

Mirae said as she glanced at the wall clock.

"It's no that late yet we have time"

Her mom said ruffling her hair, which resulted in Mirae rushing to her room to set her hair again.

"The earlier the better"

Eun Sook heard her daughter say from her room making her laugh lightly. After bidding good-bye to Maid Choi the mother daughter duo headed out to start their journey to the school. Once they reached the school Eun Sook went to sit with the other mothers while Mirae headed to sit where the kids were waiting for their names to be called out.

"Seokyung ah I'm nervous now. Why am I so nervous I was fine in the morning, what happened now. I feel like I'm going to throw up or worse I'll mess up the entire music while playing or..."

Mirae was ranting to her best friend as they waited for their name to be called. Mirae's leg was continuously bouncing due to the nervousness she felt. Seokhoon, who was sitting next to her noticed this, so while Mirae continued ranting he carefully placed his hand on her leg so that she'd stop bouncing it and calmed down a little. After a few seconds the bouncing stopped but Seokhoon still didn't lift his hand up so that Mirae knew he was there for her.

"Mirae you'll do fine trust me you're amazing at the piano it'll be fine"

Seokyung said to her best friend in an exasperated tone. Even though she wasn't showing it she was also very worried and nervous herself hearing Mirae rant wasn't helping at all.

Finally Mirae's name got called and with shaking hands and legs she headed inside not really hearing the 'good lucks' from all her friends. But once she sat down on the stool to play the piano behind the curtain her confidence came back and she gave a flawless performance. She did think she cold have done a little better but was overall proud of her performance. She headed outside as soon as the test was over and rushed over to her friends.

"So how'd it go?"

Seokyung was the first to ask her.

"It went ok"

She said but her smile was saying something else. When Seokyungs name got called. Mirae went to look for Seokhoon whom she hadn't seen since his name had got called before her. On the way she bumped into a girl.

"Ouch, I'm so sorry I was in a rush"

Mirae quickly apologized knowing she was probably the one at fault, as she was not looking where she was going.

"No problem, I wasn't also watching where I was going"

A girl the same height as Mirae with bangs and wide eyes said to Mirae.

"Oh are you also here for the entry test?"

Mirae asked the girl.

"Yes I am"

"Well best of luck"

Mirae smiled at her before resuming back to he mission of finding Seokhoon.

She finally spotted him standing in an empty corridor alone, looking at something on his phone. He hadn't noticed her yet so she sneaked up to him and jumped on his back shouting 'boo' in his ear. Seokhoon jumped a little because he was a little surprised but knowing no one other than Mirae would dare jump on his back he wasn't that startled. Mirae slowly got down from his back to face him properly.

"You're no fun"

She said pouting a little.

"What did I do?"

"You were supposed to get scared but you didn't even flinch"

"How old are you Kim Mirae? Ok fine do it again, I'll act scared this time"

Seokhoon said shaking his head at his childhood friend's behavior. With a huge smile on her face Mirae came from the end of the corridor again and shouted 'Boo' to Seokhoon as she came closer.


Seokhoon slightly screamed. Flinching a lot too, to add to the acting. Mirae burst into laughter causing Seokhoon to smile as well.

"I'm guessing your test went well"

Seokhoon said as he watched Mirae laugh. Mirae nodded and while talking about how her test went they both walked back to the place they were sitting before to see how Seokyung did.

"How was your test?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon once she was done talking about her own.

"It went well"

He replied Seokhoon was always someone who used limited words while Mirae was someone who used endless words to explain her experiences. It was a good thing Seokhoon was a good listener.

"Oh there you are Mirae I was looking for you"

Mirae heard Seokyung say as they spotted each other.

"So how'd it go?"

Mirae asked her and pulled her into a hug when Seokyung nodded her head indicating that it went good. Seokyung wasn't much of a hugger but she didn't mind hugs from a few people. In these few people Mirae was of course included. After breaking the hug Mirae turned to her other friends, Minhyuk and Jenny and asked them how it went for them.

"Do you think it could have gone bad for me?"

Minhyuk said to which Mirae rolled her eyes and replied

"If your ego gets a little bigger your head will blow up"

"It went great for me as well but I don't think it went that well for Eunbyeol"

Jenny said making Mirae's attention turn towards the girl.

"Well does she need to worry about that? No. Why you may ask? Because her grandfather own Cheong Ah foundation and her mother was one of the judges."

Seokyung said as they all started walking back towards their parents. Mirae silently agreed to what Seokyung said knowing Ha Eunbyeol would have passed even if she simply breathed in the audition.

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