Chapter 22

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Above image is what Mirae wore to Bae Rona's house

"So the auditions of Cheong Ah high schools ambassadors will be held soon, I need the names of the students who are willing to participate for the audition"

Maa Duki said to the students the next day. Mirae noticed quite a lot of hands that were raised; most of them were her friends. She had also raised her hand, being a school ambassador was good for colleges so what's the harm in trying?

"Bae Rona you too?"

She heard the homeroom teacher ask making her glance at the girl, who had also raised her hand. Mirae smiled to herself glad that she wasn't backing down due to the pressure.

During the break, Mirae found Rona picking up trash from the grounds because of the 10 hours of community service she had received from the school.

"Bae Rona"

Mirae called to the girl as she went downstairs towards her.

"Mirae hi"

Rona said with a smile on her face.

"Can I join? You won't believe how skilled I am when it comes to picking up trash"

Mirae smiled at the girl who burst into laughter. The two girls didn't notice a specific dark haired boy looking at them with a soft smile on his face. Ha Eunbyeol noticed Seokhoon staring at the two and believed he was smiling because of Bae Rona. Jealousy engulfing her the girl approached Joo Seokhoon, who was walking down, with a determined face.

"Joo Seokhoon can I ask you something?"

"What do you want?"

The boy asked him his eyes still darting towards a specific girl whose laughter was music to his ears.

"How do you feel about me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I like you so I want to know what you think of me"

Before Seokhoon could answer, she started speaking again.

"Actually don't tell me right now tell me once we both get the position of school's ambassador, I'll make sure no one takes that position from me let alone, Bae Rona"

She said glaring at the girl. Mirae turned around just to see Joo Seokhoon and Ha Eunbyeol talking.

"Seokhoon ah"

Mirae called out to the boy as she energetically wave at him. The smile made its way back to his face as he waved back before heading towards the girl. Greeting Bae Rona, he wrapped his arms around his childhood friend's shoulder who tried wiggling out to annoy the boy.

"I need to go Mirae, I'll talk to you later"

Bae Rona said leaving the two alone. The two started walking together, Seokhoons arm still wrapped around her shoulders.

"What were you and Eunbyeol talking about?"

"She confessed to me"

Seokhoon said, as it wasn't a big deal.

"Ha Eunbyeol likes you, please don't tell me you rejected her meanly, she's our friend"

"She didn't let me reply"

"Oh so what do you plan on doing?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"What do you mean do whatever your hearts tell you too"

Mirae said as she looked at the boy who was already looking at her. The two walked back to class together, talking about random stuff.

Mirae and all the Hera Palace kids were standing outside Bae Rona's apartment, who had recently moved to Hera Palace. Rona looked surprised as she opened the door and saw all the Hera Palace kids standing outside. But a smile appeared on her face when she noticed Mirae was there too, she was glad the person she trusted the most in this place was here. Mirae had to admit the apartment was really pretty, the furniture and everything just looked beautiful to Mirae. After Seokyung, quite rudely in Mirae's opinion, sent Rona's mother away all the kids slumped down and started criticizing the food Rona's mother had served to them. Mirae noticed Rona's smile drop. Ignoring her friends, Mirae picked up a snack and popped it in her mouth. Crunching it down, Mirae nudged Seokhoon to try it as well. Without hesitation, Seokhoon also ate the snacks making everyone eat it as well. Rona smiled at Mirae who smiled back glad she was happy again.

Mirae was lying in her room when she received a call from Logan.

"What do you want?"

Mirae asked him as soon as she picked up.

"Is that how you talk to someone older than you?"

"I'm sorry, should I try again? Hello Mr. Logan how may I help you?"

"Ok enough enough, I wanted to ask you if you knew anyone by the name Oh Yoon Hee"

"Of course I do, she's my new friends mother. What about her?"

"Bae Rona's mother?"

"Yeah, but why are you asking?"

"I'll tell you later"

Logan said before ending the call. Mirae glared at the phone screen. Fine next time I'll ignore you as well she thought to herself as she lay back in her bed wanting to catch some sleep.

The next day there was havoc in the classroom again. Jenny had lost her expensive hairpin her dad had gifted her from Dubai. Seokyung and Mirae looked for it but they couldn't find thus the issue reached the homeroom teacher who decided to check everyone's bags for the hairpin. When he reached Bae Rona's bag he found a pack of cigarettes and an 18+ magazine. Mirae's eyes widened. She knew Rona couldn't posses such items; it was more that she wouldn't than couldn't. Rona also looked confused and her first instinct was to blame Jenny for putting it in her bag. Mirae could see Jenny was completely clueless about the things. Then who could have planned all this?

Mirae was standing outside, contemplating whether to do what she planned or not, trying to hear what Maa Duki and Bae Rona were talking about.

"What are you trying to do?"

She jumped in fright and sighed with relief when she saw it was just Logan.

"None of your business"

She said still salty about the fact that he hadn't told her anything either.

"Are you sure you'll be fine after you do it?"

"What- what will I do?"

"You know whatever your little brain is planning"

"I don't have a little brain"

"That's kind of beside the point"

"I think I'll be fine"

Mirae said looking at the man waiting for his reaction instead Logan just walked away. Mirae guessed that meant he approved. Without hesitation she entered the office.

"It was me"

She said as soon as she entered the room and feeling like that wasn't how she should've started.

"I put the things in Rona's bag"

She said not looking at Rona who had a surprised look on her face.

"You? Kim Mirae?"

Maa Duki asked in disbelief. Before Mirae could reply, the door opened again revealing Joo Seokhoon.

"I did it"

He simply said making all three look at him.

"Mirae's covering up for me"

He explained further making Mirae look at him in surprise.

"Are you sure you both aren't covering for Bae Rona?"

Maa Duki asked the two.

"Do we have a reason too?"

Seokhoon asked the teacher who agreed with the boy. Mirae and Bae Rona shared a confused look. Both of them knew Seokhoon hadn't done it. The original question came back to Mirae's mind. Who did it then?

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