Chapter 29

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Mirae smiled at the girl sitting in front of her.

"I'm glad you finally responded to my texts Miss Rona"

Mirae smugly said to the girl who playfully rolled her eyes. This morning before coming to school Bae Rona had asked Mirae if they could meet. So the two were currently sitting in Mirae's room before going to school.

"So now will you tell me what happened? I saw you walking around in that wig and all that makeup but whenever I tried to approach me you ignored me"

Mirae started.

"Don't remind me of my past, I've moved on from it. The thing is I need your help. You texted me saying if I need your help ask you, well here I am"

Rona said looking at Mirae wondering what her reaction will be.

"Well if I texted you that, then that means I'll help right?"

Mirae smiled at Rona who smiled back.

That's how the two ended up going to school together. Apparently Rona had decided to come back to school and didn't want to go alone, so she asked Mirae if she could go with her. Mirae walked into the classroom with a smile on her face.

"Mirae ah why didn't you come with the twins today?"

Jenny asked as she looked at Mirae and then the twins.

"I came with someone else, come in"

Mirae said turning to the door and waiting for Rona. The whole class curiously turned towards the door. Who could Kim Mirae come to school with? At the sight of Bae Rona the entire class looked shocked, minus Seokhoon who already knew about it.

"Bae Rona? What are you doing here?"

Jenny asked and got no reply in response. Mirae and Rona went to sit in their usual place, both girls smiling not noticing the glares they were receiving.

"Kim Mirae!"

Mirae turned around when she heard Seokyung call out her name from behind.

"We need to talk"

Seokyung said motioning Mirae to follow her in an empty classroom.

"Why were you with Rona in the morning?"

Seokyung asked. Seokyung would be lying if she said seeing the two together in the morning didn't make her angry. She could feel Rona replacing her in Mirae's life slowly and she hated it. Seokyung could be called selfish for this and maybe she was but Mirae meant a lot to her and she wasn't going to lose her to anyone definitely not that low life that thinks a lot about herself.

"Oh Rona asked me if we could come to school together so I-"

"And you decided on your own that it was completely okay to not come with us but come with someone who lied to us?"

"What lie did Rona tell?"

"She was impersonating Min Seol Ah and scaring us, you still forgave her after that? Was it because she didn't message you?"

Seokyung's voice started rising.

"Seokyung what's wrong?"

Mirae asked clearly confused by Seokyungs behavior.

"All I'm trying to say that if you care more about Bae Rona then don't be my friend, I don't want to be friends with someone who's friends with the enemy anyway"

Seokyung said and was about to leave when Mirae spoke up:

"Are you making me choose between the two of you?"

"If I was who would you choose?"

Mirae just looked at Seokyung in disbelief not knowing what was happening. Seokyung, seeing Mirae wasn't replying, left the room. She didn't want to cry at all but this was the first fight the two had had even if it was just an argument. Mirae looked around not knowing what to do exactly.

"Oh Mirae there you are I was looking for- what happened?"

Seokhoon came in the room and stopped talking when he noticed Mirae standing doing nothing. Mirae looked at Seokhoon and was really glad to see him. Seokhoon, he was who she needed right now. He would understand. He would make her understand what she did wrong. He was the person Mirae would go to in her most vulnerable times. When did that change? She looked at Seokhoon and wondered. She hadn't talked to him alone about her problems in ages and these were the days she was facing the most problems. Had she changed? Is that why Seokyung was distant from her too?

"Seokhoon ah, have I changed?"

She looked at the boy waiting for his reaction. Seokhoon looked at Mirae confused why she'd ask that question. Walking inside the classroom he indicated Mirae to sit on the chair as he sat on the desk in front of it.

"Everyone changes Mirae, change is inevitable"

Seokhoon simply said, his brain still wondering why Mirae asked such a thing. Mirae started telling everything to Seokhoon.

"I should go talk to her right?"

Mirae sighed after finishing her story. Seokhoon turned to this friend. He could see where Seokyung was coming from but he believed Seokyung might have gone a little far with it.

"I think you both need to talk and clear the air"

Seokhoon said standing up and looking at Mirae who also stood up with a sigh.

"Yah Ha Eunbyeol"

Mirae shouted as she watched Eunbyeol and Rona fight.

"That girl's mother is an adulteress, her mother broke a family, how could you be on her side Kim Mirae"

Eunbyeol said panting due to the little tussle she had with Rona.

"I do believe you need to get your facts straight"

Mirae started before walking closer to Ha Eunbyeol

"Because last time I heard your mother was getting cozy with the owner of the penthouse"

Mirae whispered in Eunbyeol's ear before backing away a smirk on her face. Rona had told her everything what Eunbyeol had done and Mirae believed it was time Eunbyeol got a taste of her own medicine. The only thing different was that Mirae wasn't blackmailing Eunbyeol about it.

"Come on Rona, let's go" Mirae said smiling an the girl before the two walked away.

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