Chapter 17

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Mirae was doodling on a piece of paper while waiting for the teacher to come to class. She was sitting in her usual place, next Lee Bora a girl in her class. On her other side sat the twins. From the corner of her eye she could see Minhyuk play an instrument while Jenny complimented him. She smiled; they'd make a cute couple in her opinion. She also did have an idea that Jenny might like Minhyuk but whenever she brought the topic when it was just the two of them, Jenny always denied. Just then a girl entered and everyone's attention turned to her.

Mirae looked at the girl with interest as Jenny and Minhyuk 'welcomed' her.

Bae Rona so that was her name. Mirae thought to herself.

Mirae didn't join the kids who were flaunting off their foreign language skills but she suddenly looked up when she heard Seokhoon call the girl pretty in mandarin. Her eyes widened as she looked at Seokhoon waiting to make eye contact with him but he didn't eve look her way. Instead she saw Seokyung looking at her and through looks telling her to introduce herself to the girl. Mirae looked at Seokyung, confused by why Seokyung wanted her to introduce herself. Without explaining anything, Seokyung stood up and greeted the new girl with a smile on her face. Mirae was now very confused, what was happening? Before Mirae could process what was happening she felt Seokyung's eyes on her so she stood up and headed towards Bae Rona as well.

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Kim Mirae, if you have any questions you could ask me"

Mirae smiled at the girl who seemed really happy some people were talking to her in a civilized manner.

"Thank you I'm Bae Rona nice to meet you too"

Rona replied as the two shook hands. Before Mirae could say something else, Eunbyeol asked all the Hera Palace kids to check their phones. Mirae, who was standing next to Seokyung looked at her phone and was shocked to see the lynching incident was now all over the place. Mirae hadn't revealed anything, then who else had the audio file?

Once the first class ended, Mirae walked towards her childhood friend a playful smirk on her face.

"Yah Joo Seokhoon, 'She's pretty'. Oh my, is the famous cold Seokhoon finally in love. Was it love at first sight? That is so romantic, a rich, young and-"

Mirae started saying but was interrupted

"It's nothing like that, I just said it, it didn't mean anything"

Seokhoon said to Mirae whose smile widened.

"Are you in denial? Isn't that the first step of having a crush? First step: Denial, second step: Acceptance, third step: Asking out, fourth step: Going out and finally fifth step: Marriage, I can't wait to see how Joo Seokhoon acts when he has a crush on someone"

"I have had a crush on someone"

"Liar, every girl who talked to you ended up spending the rest of her day crying"

"Don't believe me but I have a crush on someone"

"Yeah I know you do, you have a crush on Bae Rona"

"You can be so clueless sometimes"

"Me clueless you're clueless about your feelings"

Mirae said as Seokhoon walked away from her leaving her behind. Who did Seokhoon have a crush on?

"He's playing with me, of course he is, he's gonna make fun of me later on that I believed him, I'm not falling for it this time Joo Seokhoon"

Mirae said to herself.

"What did oppa do this time?"

Mirae heard Seokyung, as quick as a flash she turned around just to come face to face with her best friend.

"Nothing he lied to me about having a crush on someone, he wants me to keep on asking him about his 'crush' and then one day he'd break it to me that it's all a prank. Tch he's so mean"

Mirae said to Seokyung who had an amused look on her face.

"What if he actually has a crush on someone?"

Seokyung asked Mirae before also walking away. Mirae glared at the two. There was no way she was going to fall for this trick. She had fallen for something similar to this before and the two never let her forget it. So there was no way she would let them win again.

The kids went back to practicing their music. As only one pianist was needed, Mirae and Seokhoon took turns to play and while one was playing the other would turn the music sheets for the one that was playing. In between practice, the Joo twins and Mirae went out to grab themselves a drink

"I'm so glad I won't be playing at the opening ceremony"

Mirae said as Seokhoon handed her a can.

"Should I drop out, then you'd have to play"

Seokhoon said opening his can.

"If you do that I will haunt you in your dreams till you go crazy and...I ran out of scary things to threaten you with"

Mirae said causing Seokhoon to smile.

"Check this out isn't this about Bae Rona's mom?"

Seokyung asked showing the two an article she was reading.

"People would make anyone a culprit with their cruel words"

Mirae said in a disgusted tone as she read the article. The three walked back to class completely missing the fight that broke out between Bae Rona and Yoo Jenny.

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