Chapter 9

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Mirae went here and there racking her brains where she'd find her friends but anywhere she went she couldn't find her friends there. She sat outside a convenience store thinking where they could be when suddenly she remembered something.

The deserted parking lot near Hera Palace.

She faintly recalled going there with the twins when they first came to Hera Palace.

"Where are we going?"

Mirae asked Seokyung who was leading the way somewhere after excitedly asking Seokhoon and Mirae to come with her.

"It's an amazing place really"

Seokyung said a smile on her face as they all continued to walk.

"My legs are literally breaking because of the dance class I had in the morning can we not go some other day?"

Mirae continued complaining. Seokhoon smiled at her behavior before going forward and stopping in front of her his back facing her.

"Hop on"

He simply said crouching down a little for her.

"Really? Thank you Seokhoon ah you're a way better friend than Seokyung who thought it was completely fine to drag her tired friend out at night to show Lord knows what"

She said jumping on Seokhoon's back, wanting Seokyung to hear what she was saying. Seokyung simply turned and stuck her tongue out at her, which resulted in Mirae also making a funny face at her. After a few more minutes of walking they reached the parking lot.

"This is just a parking lot, a scary one, but a parking lot"

Mirae said getting down from Seokhoons back and going to stand next to him.

"It's not scary it's perfect"

Seokyung said her eyes shining.

"What's perfect about this place I'm sure they're a lot of snakes and mice here and there's nothing perfect about that" Mirae said holding Seokhoons sleeve so that he wouldn't leave her and walk away.

"Mirae you're no fun you fail to see the beauty of things"

Seokyung told her to which Mirae just looked at her.

After that day Mirae had never taken another step in that place. But it seemed like the perfect place for her friends to be. An isolated place where no one could see them.

Mirae rushed towards the place trying to remember where it was exactly. After finally finding the place, she decided to go in to look for her friends. Unconsciously she wished Seokhoon were with her right now as well. As she went nearer she smelt fire. Scared, Mirae decided to go towards the source of the fire but stopped when she heard voices coming towards her. Quickly she hid behind one of the cars and saw her friends running out of the parking lot. She counted them and took a deep breath seeing all of them were there except Min Seol Ah. Once she realized Min Seol Ah wasn't with them she ran deeper into the parking lot looking for the source of the fire she smelt and hoping Seol Ah wasn't anywhere near it. She kept running here and there screaming out Seol Ah's name but she heard nothing.

After a little while she found the source of fire and started trembling when she heard a voice screaming from help from inside the bus. She looked around for something that could break the glass and she could let Seol Ah out. Lucky for her she found a rock and after telling Seol Ah to move aside a little she smashed the glass with it, the glass cutting her hands a little. She then put down the rock and gave her hand to Seol Ah to help her out. Once Seol Ah was out she helped her up and the two girls ran before the fire could spread anymore.

They kept on running until they reached the same convenience store Mire was at before. After making Seol Ah sit down, Mirae went inside the store to get something to drink for the two.

She came outside and put the drink in front of Seol Ah who thanked her and then drank the juice with trembling hands.

"Are you alright?"

Mirae asked Seol Ah?

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you alright you cut your hands quite a lot, they're bleeding"

"I'm fine, I'll fix these up once I get home"

Mirae said and the two girls fell silent.

"Thank you for saving me"

Seol Ah broke the silence.

"Anybody would have done the same"

Mirae said and the awkward silence fell again.

"I'll get going then it's late my mother would be worried"

Mirae stood up and was about to leave when Seol Ah spoke up

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok forget about it"

"No listen to me I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, you were my best student"

"I said it's okay"

Mirae said and started walking away. She walked a little when she stopped and turned to Seol Ah.

"Don't let this drag you down ok? You got the first position in singing, come to school and show them that they don't bother you"

Mirae said and then walked away leaving a surprised Seol Ah behind, who was secretly glad to know she might have someone by her side.

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