Chapter 5

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Mirae was lying on her bed scrolling through Instagram when suddenly her phone started ringing. It as quite late for somebody to call her so when she spotted Seokyungs contact pop up she leaped up pressing the phone tightly to her ear hoping everything was fine.

"Mirae he did it again"

She heard Seokyungs voice tremble as she spoke indicating that she was crying.

"Who...what's happening Seokyung?"

She asked worried for her.

"He took Seokhoon in his study again"

Seokyung said her voice trembling more than before. Mirae was speechless. All she wanted to do right now was kill Joo Dan Tae. How could someone treat his own children like that?

"Seokyung ah calm down. Is your mother around?"

Mirae asked her friend while standing up and leaving her room to go to Seokyung.

"When is she ever there for us? After all we aren't even her own children"

Mirae heard Seokyung scoff and her heart broke. What did the twins do that fate was treating them this poorly?

"Ok I'm coming there ok wait for me"

Mirae said to Seokyung and even though she was not able to see Seokyungs face she knew that she was nodding her head. Mirae pressed the elevator button repeatedly wanting the elevator to come faster but like every other elevator this one also took its sweet time to come in times of emergency. As Mirae was contemplating whether she should take the stairs the doors opened. Mirae quickly got inside and pressed the button to reach to the penthouse. Seokyung was waiting outside for her best friend and felt fresh tears welling up as she spotted her.

Mirae being a child herself knew there was nothing she could do for Seokhoon except make sure Seokyung calmed down because that was what he would want from her at that moment. After waiting for a few minutes that felt like hours to Mirae she saw Seokhoon emerging out of Joo Dan Tae or how Mirae likes to call him 'the psychopath's study. Without really thinking about anything, Mirae rushed to Seokhoons side.

"Are you alright? I will kill that fu-"

Mirae was about to say when Seokhoon put a hand on her mouth.

"No cursing"

"Are you serious right now? You're hurt and all you can think about is that?"

Seokyung said to her twin.

"Let's take him to the community room we can tend to his wounds there"

Mirae said as the two girls grabbed him from each side helping him walk. While heading outside they came across Shim Suryeon.

"What's happening? Seokhoon are you alright?"

The twin's mother asked looking worried.

"Of course you weren't there when we needed you-again. So pleases stop acting like you care"

Seokyung said glaring at her. Mirae bowed a little in greeting but didn't say anything to her as she walked towards the community room.

"I'll go get the fist aid kit you stay here"

Seokyung said after they made Seokhoon sit down carefully. Seokyung dashed outside leaving the two alone.

"What happened this time?"

Mirae asked the silent boy dreading his answer.

"He threatened to hit Seokyung and I couldn't let him do that. But don't worry I'm fine what type of man would I be if I can't take a few hits?"

Seokhoon explained to her with a smile on his face trying to cheer her up.

"Was it because of the plain answer sheet?"

Mirae asked him.

"Mirae ah stop worrying I'm fine"

Seokhoon tried to comfort his childhood friend.

"I hate that man with every cell in my body"

Mirae said glaring at nothing in particular.

"Don't worry Mirae I'm used to..."

Seokhoon started to say but was interrupted

"That's the sad part, you shouldn't' be used to it. Both of you shouldn't be used to this. Wait I have an idea how about you both run away and come to my house, no he'd find you and then God knows what he's do or we could..."

Mirae wanted to continue but Seokhoon stopped her by cupping her face in his hands.

"Kim Mirae I'm fine. I already feel better to know that you're there on my side. You and Seokyung."

He said before letting her face go and grabbing her hand.

"As long as you promise me you won't leave me, I'll stay strong"

He said staring into her eyes. Mirae didn't understand what was her happening to her these days. Why did she feel this weird feeling whenever Seokhoon said something to her. Ignoring the feeling she replied to Seokhoon:

"Where can I go? You and Seokyung are stuck with me for life"

She said smiling at the dark haired boy in front of her. Just then Seokyung came back with the first aid kit and they both started working on wrapping his wounds.

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