Chapter 3

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The exam, as usual, went very smoothly for Mirae she smiled slightly when she spotted the Joo siblings exchanging papers. She did once talk to Seokyung about trying it herself but she never listened. What shocked her this time was that Seokyung handed a plain answer sheet at the end instead of the sheet Seokhoon gave her. As everyone was dismissed Mirae ran to her best friend.

"Seokyung why did you had in the plain answer sheet instead of the one Seokhoon gave you"

She whispered to Seokyung not wanting Seokhoon to hear her.

"I'm sick and tired of trying to do whatever my father wants me to do. I want to do what I want to do. What can my father do if I don't give the exam"

Seokyung said picking up her bag and leaving he class room. Mirae worried for her strong best friend followed her. Before she could head out a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her in her tracks.

"What's wrong?"

She heard Seokhoon ask her.

"Nothing, what could be wrong with me?"

She said faking a smile, which could fool anyone but Seokhoon. Noticing her fake smile Seokhoon sighed.

"If anything or anyone is bothering you, you know I'd take care of it right?"

He asked her his cold demeanor softened for the girl in front of him.

"Of course I know that, you're my knight in shining armor"

Mirae replied winking at him. Seokhoon ignored the weird feeling that had taken over his stomach as he loosely let his arm wrap around Mirae's shoulders and walking out of the classroom together.

Once Mirae reached home she rushed to find Maid Choi. Upon finding the old lady, a smile took over her face.

"Guess who gave the best exam ever?"

She said jumping in front of Maid Choi.

"Hmm let me see think, Seokhoon? Seokyung?"

"Aaaah come on"

Mirae said as Maid Choi acted as if she had no idea.

"Well I'm glad your exam went smoothly. Now what do you want to eat?"

She asked looking at Mirae fondly. Maid Choi had been with the Kim's since the days Mirae's father was alive. She loved Mirae a lot and often took care of her when her mother was off on business trips. Likewise the Kim's could trust Maid Choi with their lives.

"Can we have ramyeon?"

Mirae asked her with a spark of mischievousness in her eyes.

"Should we?"

Maid Choi asked Mirae who nodded her head enthusiastically and the two went to make some ramyeon. While Mirae was eating her ramyeon, Maid Choi told her that her mom had called and had asked her to leave for the community room after 15 minutes. The new tutor would meet the kids there. Mirae sighed; guess there was no getting out of this.

She left the house after finishing her ramyeon, she didn't take any study material because she didn't believe there would be any test today. But she did wonder why the tutor wanted to meet them today.

"Oh are you the last one?"

Mirae heard a girl speak as soon as she entered the room. Mirae would be lying if she said the new tutor didn't intrigue her. Other than having simple yet pretty features, she also had the tips of her hair dyed pink, something Mirae always wanted to do but was scared it wouldn't look good on her. After observing the tutor for a few seconds Mirae looked around the room and saw all her friends there that means she probably was the last one to arrive. So in response to the tutor's question, she nodded her head and went to sit beside Seokhoon who greeted her with a soft smile before turning back to the tutor, his cold demeanor taking over.

The tutor introduced herself as Anna Lee and then told all of them that she'd like to take a level test so that she knows how good the students were. Mirae automatically looked at Seokyung knowing she would never give a level test and she was right. Seokyung stood up and disagreed with Anna. She was about to leave when Anna stepped forward and stopped her. Mirae was quite impressed by that she wouldn't deny that. But as usual, Seokyung got the upper hand by making fun of her knockoff designer top. Mirae sighed. If there was one thing she hated about her best friends was there tendency to act superior towards anyone inferior to them. And just like that all of them left except Mirae and surprisingly Ha Eunbyeol.

"Why didn't you both leave?"

Anna asked the two sitting in front of her. The last thing Mirae wanted to say to her was 'oh because my mom's forcing me to' so instead she put a smile on her face and said:

"I think you're quite interesting honestly I wouldn't mind having you as my tutor"

"I like you too. There are not many people who stand up against Seokyung. Whatever the Joo siblings say is the law over here."

Eunbyeol added to Anna who looked at the door from where the children had left and sighed knowing this would be a tough job.

After the test ended, Eunbyeol turned to Mirae wanting to leave together but Mirae through her eyes told her to leave without her. Eunbyeol looked at her with a surprised look on her face to which Mirae replied by saying:

"I'd like to practice my piano a bit before leaving:

Eunbyeol nodded and left. Mirae then turned to Anna.

"Don't take their words to heart. They may look and act tough on the outside but they're all really nice people"

Mirae said as she looked at her tutor who was packing her UCLA bag.

"Hmm lets see, they do always say first impressions matter"

Anna said turning to Mirae.

"Sure they do that's why I'm asking you not to judge them this early. Anyway have a nice day ssaem"

Mirae said bowing in respect. Anna slightly bowed back before leaving Mirae alone.

"I guess this is just the beginning to a whole new adventure for all of us"

Mirae thought to herself as she watched Anna leave the room.

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