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Shim Suryeon is dead.

Everyone was saying Oh Yoon Hee had killed her but that shoe didn't fit for Mirae. She had the feeling something was off. Yes Oh Yoon Hee had murdered Min Seol Ah but something about this just didn't feel right to Mirae. Once she heard that Oh Yoon Hee had admitted to the crime she believed that maybe she did do it and was feeling very guilty and had decided to admit to her crimes.

Mirae wanted to go check on Bae Rona but she couldn't. She was trying to spend all her time with the Joo twins. Saying they were broken was an understatement. Mirae had never seen Seokhoon this upset, the boy usually hid his emotions quite well and was usually always looking out for his sister but this time Mirae felt that he was down.

The two had started having more midnight talks and Mirae spent almost all her nights at the penthouse. Sometimes snuggled up with Seokyung calming her waiting for her to sleep and sometimes sitting outside in the penthouse balcony cheering up Seokhoon. Often the two fell asleep talking to each other and if Seokhoon woke up before Mirae he'd pick her up and gently lay her on Seokyungs bed so she could easily sleep for at least some time.

Mirae was so busy with the twins she had forgotten to be sad herself. As soon as she heard the news she rushed to look for the twins knowing how hard it was on them and since then she had been looking after them.

She hadn't even heard from Logan. All she knew that he had planned to go back to America with Shim Suryeon. She hadn't heard from him since they both said goodbye to each other.

Eun Sook on the other hand was trying to find a way to talk to Oh Yoon Hee. Just like her daughter she also had a feeling that Yoon Hee wasn't the culprit. But then who was?

Mirae had finally found some time to go visit Rona. She was surprised to see that someone had gratified the entire door and the surrounding walls. She called Rona knowing knocking probably won't help, as Rona wouldn't open anyone's door these days.

"Are you fine?"

Mirae asked the girl sitting in front of her.

"Mirae do you think my mother did it? You don't right?"

Rona asked Mirae slightly tearing up.

"I don't know Rona, I really don't know what to believe"

"My mom could never, she could never kill anyone"

Rona said breaking into tears. Mirae reached out to hug the girl in order to comfort her.

After making sure Rona was okay and making sure she ate a whole meal Mirae left Rona's apartment and started walking back to the penthouse, which had become her new home. She rarely visited her own apartment these days. While walking towards the penthouse Mirae wondered who killed Shim Suryeon. Who made everyone's life miserable?

One thing was for sure this wasn't the end to all the drama that was going on in Mirae's life. First of all knowing how Logan felt about Suryeon, Mirae knew he wouldn't let go of this matter that easily and the revenge plan that was supposed to be on the final stage will be renewed with a new motive in mind.

The real question was Will This Last Forever? I guess we'll find out as the journey of Mirae's life continues...


So this is the end of book 1 and season 1!!! Hope you guys liked it. I have exams in May so I'm probably going to start uploading the second book in June so I guess stay tuned for that!!

If you have any suggestions for the second book I'm all ears:):)

Thank you for all the love and support<3<3<3

Plus just a daily reminder to love yourself and don't let the haters drag you down<3<3

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