Chapter 16

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Min Seol Ah was dead.

Mirae's eyes widened as she read the news article of the orphan who had committed suicide and had set fire to her own apartment. Trash, that's what this article was. Mirae was sure the owner of the penthouse and his new mistress had something to do with all of this.

"I'll make sure the person who killed you is punished rightfully. After all you were the one who told me evil is always punished. I'll just make sure it is"

Mirae said while visiting Seol Ah a determined look on her face. She placed a picture of the two together near her grave and smiled at it.

"I hope you're in a better place now"

Mirae smiled to herself. After spending a little more time there Mirae decided to head back home. The parents had planned a trip for all the kids and Mirae had to pack for that as well.

"Stop talking about her"

Eunbyeol suddenly shrieked. All the Hera Palace kids were sitting in the community room discussing Min Seol Ah when suddenly Eunbyeol screamed covering her ears.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't think we should speak about the dead"

Eunbyeol replied tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Ha Eunbyeol, you seem to be on the edge since last night. By any chance did you kill Min Seol Ah?"

Seokyung asked the girl. Mirae silently watched wanting to see Eunbyeol's reaction. She believed Seokyung might be on to something.

"What do you mean she committed suicide?"

Eunbyeol nervously said.

"You know what's worse? It's the girl who'll be coming in place of the other girl"

Jenny said driving the attention away from Eunbyeol. Mirae was watching Seokhoon who throwing darts, while sitting next to Seokyung.

"Why? Do you know them?"

Mirae asked Jenny who shuddered.

"Of course, she goes to my middle school and she's very annoying"

Jenny said looking at them all.

"Sounds exciting, don't you think oppa?"

Seokyung said turning to Seokhoon who didn't reply.

"I have to go pack before my mother kills me. I'll see you guys later"

Mirae said standing up.

"I should also go"

Minhyuk said standing up and both of them left the room together.

"Mirae is everything alright? You don't seem like yourself."

Minhyuk asked his friend as they walked together.

"I'm fine just a little tired from last night"

She smiled at Minhyuk before walking away. Minhyuk didn't fully believe her. The positive vibes Mirae usually emitted were almost non-existent now and Minhyuk was worried something had happened to her. He planned to discuss this later with the Joo twins, as they knew her best out of all of them.

"I'm glad we're going out together. After the recent events everything has been confusing right?"

Jenny asked Mirae who was sitting next to her as they finally left for their trip and were driving to the golf course.

"Hmm I guess"

Mirae replied not really into the conversation.

"I hope it livens up the mood. Everyone's been on the edge since you know what happened"

Jenny said looking at the others.

"Hmm tell me more about this girl on the waiting list"

Mirae asked Jenny wanting the conversation to turn to something else. She chose a good topic because Jenny continued talking about that girl the entire ride. Guess she really hated this girl.

Once they reached the golf course, they all changed in the appropriate attire. Golf was a game which helped Mirae blow off some steam by whacking the ball as hard as she could. Not very professional but it worked for her just fine.

"Wahh Minhyuk great shot"

Jenny complimented Minhyuk's shot. All the other kids also looked impressed. Minhyuk smirked as he got compliments from his friends. Next Mirae came up and hit the ball as hard as she could, aiming in the direction of the hole.

"Wahh Kim Mirae"

Seokyung said as the two shared a high five. Things took a down turn when Seokyung started playing. Mirae believed Seokyung was also stressed because of the recent death and she was taking it out on the instructor. Seokyungs ball went near the lake but that still didn't stop the girl from proving everyone that she was a good player. Seokyung put one leg in the lake and was about to hit the ball when she tripped into the lake. Seokhoon pushed his golf stick towards Mirae, who hurriedly grabbed it, before going in the lake to help Seokyung out. As soon as she came out she started pushing the instructor and shouting at her that it was all her fault. Mirae rushed to her and held her trying to calm her down.

"What's wrong Seokyung?"

Mirae asked her as Seokyung took deep breaths.

"I just can't see her face"

"Whose face?"

"It's nothing, nothing"

Seokyung said shaking her head. Seokhoon and Mirae shared a worried look. Before the game could continue, out of nowhere rain began to fall. Rain was the last thing Mirae expected on a pleasant day like this. All the kids rushed to the golf carts and quickly sat in them to save themselves from the rain.

"We're being punished"

Eunbyeol started shrieking again her hands covering her ears again.

"Shut up Ha Eunbyeol"

Seokyung said, as the carts started moving. The loud noise of thunder echoed in Mirae's ears and out of habit she grabbed onto Seokhoons sleeve wanting to know someone was beside her and she wasn't alone. Mirae hated the rain; to her whenever it rained something bad was about to happen.

"Are you alright?"

Seokhoon asked his childhood friend, when he felt something gripping his sleeve tightly. In response, Mirae just nodded. Seokhoon pulled her hand away from his sleeve and held it tightly instead. Due to the slippery roads the carts went out of control and into the grounds and later on tilted and fell sideways. Mirae let out a scream as she felt the cart fall down, her grip on Seokhoon's hand tightening. After falling out and checking if she was fine she turned to Seokhoon who was already checking her for any wounds. Lucky for both of them they weren't hurt. Mirae reached to help her other friends up. She saw Jenny crying and reached to help her out first.

"Jenny, it's fine, you're fine"

She said loudly to Jenny so that the girl heard her over all the noise.

All in all, this was definitely the worst trip Mirae had ever been to.

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