Chapter 6

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"Is this how we do it?"

Mirae asked Anna, her tutor, a math question.

"Hmm I think this is right let me check"

Anna said turning the paper towards her. Teaching Mirae was Anna's favorite part of the day. Not only did Mirae listen to her but also showed interest in learning. Anna didn't want to admit it but she had grown quite close to Mirae. Anna had shared a bit about her life to her as well.

"Ssaem, how is Sugar?"

Mirae asked her tutor whom she respected and liked quite a lot.

"She's the same, I hope to get her treated soon"

Anna answered Mirae with a smile on her face.

"Once she's cured do bring her over, I want to meet her. Did I mention I love dogs, I'd have one myself but my mom would kill me she'd probably say something like 'who'll clean up after it?' I mean she's kind of right but..."

Mirae continued talking while Anna listened and checked the questions Mirae had solved. This was almost an everyday routine for the two. After Mirae was done with the questions she'd start talking while Anna listened agreeing or disagreeing in the middle. Mirae didn't understand what problem the rest of the kids had with Anna. In Mirae's opinion she was a pretty fun tutor to have not that she'd ever admit it in front of the others.

"Ok let's wrap it here for today. Now I have to go to the last house of the day, drumroll please, the penthouse"

Anna said packing away her stuff.

"Best of luck I'm sure they'll do well"

Mirae said also standing up to bid the tutor goodbye.

"That is if they actually show up and leave on time"

Anna sighed and after waving to Mirae, she left the room. Mirae decided to just lay in her bed and watch some YouTube videos while waiting for the Joo siblings to be done. Seokyung had promised her that she would practice with Mirae's piano playing so Mirae was quite excited.

After watching videos for a bout half and hour Mirae's phone rang.

"Are you guys free already?"

Mirae asked in a surprised tone.

"You won't believe what happened Mirae come to the community room I'll tell you everything here."

Seokyung said sounding really excited. Mirae told her she'd be there in a few minutes and then got up to leave. Mirae reached the community room and smiled when she saw all her friends were there except Ha Eunbyeol who was someone Seokyung barely invited over on gatherings like these. Jenny waved at her friend while Minhyuk finger saluted which she replied with a finger salute too. Seokhoon called her over to sit next to him and Mirae headed straight there.

"Guess what Mirae? Guess what our lovely tutor did today"

"What happened?"

Mirae asked Seokyung worriedly knowing if Seokyung was happy then it was definitely not good for Anna.

"That low life had the audacity to steal our snacks and my limited edition key ring"

Seokyung said and as if trained before Minhyuk and Jenny started making fun of Anna. But to Mirae something was off about this whole situation. He looked at Seokhoon who didn't make any eye contact with Mirae and instead stared ahead at Seokyung. Mirae did have an idea that this was probably one of Seokyungs games but she didn't want to question it. If she had known about this earlier she could have done something but now what was done is done. The best Mirae could do was apologize to Anna the next time she came to tutor her.

After discussing or more like back biting about the tutor they all parted ways leaving the Joo siblings and Mirae alone. Not really wanting to talk about Anna, Mirae brought the topic of practice:

"Seokyung ah should we practice for the test now?"

She asked Seokyung who nodded. Seokhoon was about to leave, seeing that the two were about to get busy, but Mirae stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"You're not leaving. You'll stay here and tell me if I make a mistake"

She said dragging him to a chair and making him sit down.

"When do you ever make a mistake?"

Seokhoon asked her softly chuckling at her behavior.

"Oppa that's a good idea. You could also tell me how I sound"

Seokyung said to her brother. Seokhoon agreed, as he didn't have anywhere specific to be anyway. Mirae took her place by the piano while Seokyung stood in front of her and they both started.

Once they finished, Seokhoon stood up and gave them a somewhat standing ovation to which Mirae playfully glared at him, knowing he was doing it to annoy her.

"We're going to nail this test"

Seokyung said to Mirae her eyes shining with excitement and a challenge.

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