Chapter 14

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"Hmm which one should I buy?"

Seokyung asked Mirae as she fingered the dresses in front of her.

"Try both of them and we could see which one looks better"

Mirae said to her best friend.

"Mirae that's why I bring you shopping with me"

Seokyung smiled at her friend and headed to the dressing room leaving Mirae with a confused look on her face. Today was the day of the Hera Palace first year anniversary party and currently Mirae, Seokyung and Seokhoon, who was dragged here by Seokyung, were shopping for party dresses. Mirae was not in the mood for shopping but her mother insisted that she got herself a new dress for the party so here she was. Mirae had still received no news on Seol Ah and was very worried for her friend.

"Shouldn't you be picking out dresses too?"

Seokhoon asked Mirae was staring at nothing in particular, her mind far away.

"Oh I already chose the dress I want"

"Won't you try it out?"

"Why would I try it out?"

"To see how it looks on you"

"I look good in everything do I really need to try it on?"

Mirae said looking at Seokhoon who was quite surprised. Mirae wasn't like this. Last time he joined them shopping for dresses Mirae tried on a billion dresses and even then Mirae couldn't choose one and ended up buying three. Seokhoon looked at the girl who was complimenting Seokyungs first dress with a smile on her face. Seokyung continued to try dresses on while Mirae and Seokhoon gave their comments. After trying ten dresses, Seokyung finally chose one and the shopping trip ended.

Finally the night of the party had arrived. Mirae still hadn't received any news from Seol Ah and decided to talk to Cheon Seojin about it. Ever since she watched the video, Mirae had a feeling Seojin was behind this whole situation and wanted to confront her about it. After getting ready for the party, Mirae headed downstairs with her mother. The Hera Palace club had a small 'before party' before the actual thing and that's where her mother had to go while Mirae had to meet up with the rest of the kids at the assigned meeting spot.

"Mirae ah you go, I have to go somewhere before I join the party"

Eun Sook said to her daughter before leaving in the elevator again. Mirae did have an idea that her mother was going to go to the twins mother. If Mirae wasn't wrapped up in her own problems she would probably have been really curious what they were doing.

"Woow Mirae you look gorgeous"

Mirae heard Jenny say as soon as she entered the room.

"When do I not Jenny? You look pretty as well"

Mirae jokingly said before complimenting her friend.

"Eunbyeol you look good as well"

Mirae smiled at the other girl sitting in the room who shyly smiled back.

"Thank you"

Eunbyeol said tucking her hair behind her ear. Just then the Minhyuk and the Joo twins walked into the room.

"Ah with your beauty and my dashing looks we'd make quite a power couple don't you think Mirae"

Minhyuk said as soon as he spotted his friend. Mirae playfully shoved him.

"You and me a couple, ughh I'd rather date a tadpole"

"But is a tadpole this handsome"

Mirae looked at Minhyuk not knowing what to say to him. Both of them not noticing the subtle annoyed looks they were receiving from a dark haired boy

"Mirae ah you look pretty"

"Seokyung ah so do you"

The two best friends aid to each other as they pulled each other in a hug.

"Mr. Joo Seokhoon, you don't look that bad yourself"

Mirae said looking at her other childhood friend.

"Miss Kim Mirae you look quite good as well"

Seokhoon said a small smirk on his face. All the kids sat together and just talked and laughed, each forgetting their problems for the time being.

Mirae had just spotted Joo Dan Tae and Cheon Seojin standing in a private corner discussing something. Knowing this was the best time to confront Cheon Seojin Mirae headed closer and once saw Joo Dan Tae leave, she called out to the lady.

Cheon Seojin hurriedly turned around and her surprised face turned into a smile when she saw Mirae walking towards her.

"Miss Cheon Seojin or should I call you ssaem?"

"Anything works Mirae ah"

"Ok then Miss Cheon Seojin, how are you?"

"I'm fine how are you are you enjoying the party?"

"Oh I'm having the time of my life, would it be okay if I asked a little question?"

"Sure go ahead I have time"

"Thank you so much for taking out some time for me from your busy schedule"

"Oh no problem"

Cheon Seojin said with a smile on her face but deep down she was worried. Mirae wasn't like this normally, what did she want to talk about? Mirae took a step forward and looked at Cheon Seojin in the eye.

"Do you know where Min Seol Ah is?"

Mirae smirked when she saw the lady's eyes widen. So she does know Mirae thought to herself.

"Why would you mention that brats name on such a happy occasion?"

"So you do know where she is"

"Why would I know anything about her?"

"You can't say that. You do know one thing about her. You know she knows your biggest secret"

"What are you talking about Kim Mirae?"

Cheon Seojin said in a loud voice. Mirae was unfazed by it; she knew the lady would go ballistic on her she was prepared for this. Calmly she leaned closer to the lady's ear and whispered:

"She knew about your little affair with the owner of the penthouse"

Mirae felt a sharp sting on her cheek as soon as she finished her sentence. Cheon Seojin glared at the girl.

"Don't spread lies like this again"

"Lies? Why would you deny the truth ahjumma?"

Mirae asked the lady loudly. Cheon Seojin raised her hand to slap Mirae again but before she could someone called out Mirae's name. Mirae turned to see Seokhoon standing behind her a dangerous glare on his face. He walked forward and grabbed Mirae's wrist.

"Mirae ah there you are, Seokyung and I were looking for you, let's go"

Seokhoon said in the low tone he used when he wanted Mirae to listen t him without complaining. After greeting Cheon Seojin, he started dragging Mirae with him. Mirae turned and glared at the lady telling her this wasn't over.

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