Chapter 20

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Mirae ran towards the penthouse, knowing she was already late. Seokyung had brought Rona over and had told Mirae to come as soon as she could. She might have gotten a little distracted by her phone and might have forgotten about the get together, but luckily for her remembered before it ended.

"Ah Bae Rona Hi"

Mirae said as soon as she entered Seokyungs room waving at the two of them.

"Mirae I'm glad you're finally here we were just discussing about the new movie that recently came out"

Seokyung said a smile on her face.

"Oh nice"

Mirae said as she sat down beside the two of them. The rest of the day was spent at the penthouse, while the three girls talked about different stuff, Seokhoon joining and leaving then in between. Soon it was time for Bae Rona to leave as her mother was here as well and they were both leaving together. After saying a proper good bye to the two Seokhoon and Mirae headed towards the community room while Seokyung headed to her room, telling them she'll join them in a minute.

"So Joo Seokhoon tell me, do you have feelings for Bae Rona, I saw the way you were looking at her"

Mirae said using her fist as a microphone and pushing her hand in front of Seokhoon who was seated in front of the piano

"Why are you jealous?"

Seokhoon asked the girl.

"Jealous why would I be jealous? It's not like you won't be friends with me once you start dating someone"

"Kim Mirae one day I'll get a girlfriend and she might not like us being friends"

"So are you saying we won't be friends anymore if you start dating someone?"

"Well then I guess I'll have to find someone who doesn't mind us being this close"

"So are you trying to say Bae Rona wouldn't mind it? Oh is that's why you like her? If not her then who else do you have in mind?"

"You, would you mind if I'm close with Kim Mirae"

Seokhoon said before ruffling Mirae's hair and leaving the room.

"Me? Did he just say me? That wasn't Seokhoon speaking he probably had something to drink yeah definitely"

Mirae said shaking her hand.

"Ok I'm here, what did I miss?"

Seokyung asked as soon as she came in the room.

"Seokyung ah I have to go see you in school tomorrow"

Mirae quickly said and before Seokyung could say anything Mirae had already left the penthouse.

The next day, Mirae made sure to keep a little distance between her and Seokhoon. This didn't go unnoticed by Seokhoon who had a small smile on his face when he noticed how she would make sure she wasn't walking next to him. When the three reached their class they noticed a bunch of students gathered around something. Hearing bits of their conversation, Mirae came to the conclusion that Bae Rona had moved to Bosuk Village and the students were calling her the killer of Min Seol Ah. Before she could say something, Seokyung and Seokhoon had already spoken up and Mirae's eyes widened when she noticed that Rona wasn't denying the fact that she was living there. Why would she move there? Mirae thought as Bae Rona ran out of the classroom.

Mirae and the twins followed her outside just to see her standing near the balcony while shouting at the students and swinging a mop near them. Mirae could see that was a dangerous place and was about to say something when she saw an ornament crash and break on the floor. She didn't see what happened after that as Seokhoon had immediately pushed her behind him when the crash was heard. When she peeked from behind Seokhoon she was Bae Rona dangling from the balcony while some weird guy with long hair and a tracksuit was holding on to her saving her from the fall. After the weird guy pulled up Rona back to safety he turned to the crowd of students.

"Kim Mirae take this girl to the nurse."

Mirae was shocked how did this weird guy know her name. But knowing no one else would take Bae Rona to the nurse's office she slowly went and helped the girl out of the crowd and walked towards the nurse's office.

"Are you alright?"

Mirae asked the girl who she could see was slightly trembling. Bae Rona nodded before walking out of the nurse's office. Mirae was also about to walk away when she saw Seokhoon running towards the office carrying Seokyung on his back.

"What's wrong with her is everything fine?"

She asked the boy who nodded his head as Seokyung got off his back a smirk on her face.

"What happened?"

Mirae asked the two and Seokyung excitedly told her how she got out of running 10 laps around the field.

"That man's weird he even knew my name"

Mirae said as the three were walking back to class.

AT home Mirae was sitting bored when she decided to practice some piano. She started playing a piece she found difficult and after a few tries decided to ask Seokhoon for help. After having a short battle in her mind, she came to the conclusion that if he wasn't acting any different neither should she, so she picked up the music sheets and headed to the community room planning to call Seokhoon once she was there.

As she neared the community room she could hear someone playing the piano and through the music she identified that the person playing was not in a good mood. Mirae was shocked to see Seokhoon playing; he looked fine in the morning what had happened now that he was so angry?

"Seokhoon ah are you alright?"

Mirae asked the boy who had just slammed his hands on the keyboard and startling Mirae a little.

"You know Min Seol Ah died at Hera Palace don't you?"

Seokhoon asked her to which Mirae nodded her head.

"Everyone's a filthy liar around here do you know that?"

Seokhoon asked Mirae.

"What happened?"

Mirae asked as she sat down on a chair near Seokhoon. Seokhoon told her how he had confronted his father about the fact that Min Seol Ah had died at Hera Palace and how he had lied to him. Mirae looked at Seokhoon a thoughtful look o her face.

"Seokhoon ah we can't be fully sure that your dad killed her"

"He had her locked up in the mechanical room, who else would kill her?"

"You're right about that but why do I feel like there's more to the story? Whatever it is I'll make sure to find it out, I won't let a murderer wander around us freely." Mirae said to nobody in particular.

Changing the topic, Mirae showed Seokhoon the music sheets asking him if he could help her. The rest of the evening was spent by Seokhoon helping Mirae learn to play the piece perfectly. Even though both of their minds were filled with different theories and ideas they both didn't talk about it, keeping it all inside them.


This chapter doesn't make much sense probably I'm sorry but the upcoming chapters will be better I hope <3

Plus 1k reads!!! thank you too much for liking the book<3<3

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