Chapter 13

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I jolted upward, sitting up in my bed. I scanned the dark room, beads of sweat dripping from my forehead.

"Again Jungkook? It's 3am." Jimin groaned, rolling over.

"Sorry Jimin. I had another nightmare."

"Same one?"

"Yes, but this one ended differently. Taehyung was shot."

Jimin was silent for a moment. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" He asked worriedly.

I don't blame him. This is the third time this week since Taehyung left that I've had this dream.

But this ended differently. I was the one who was shot in the last two dreams. This time, he died. Does this mean anything?

"It's okay Jimin. I'll go back to sleep now." I insisted, laying back down and curling under my sheets.

"You're so stubborn, you know that?"

I giggled.

There was a deep silence that filled the room.

"Thank you hyung."

"Did you just call me hyung?"

I shifted over to face him. He was facing towards me in his bed, smirking and then closing his eyes.

"Shut up." I snorted.

He let out a small chuckle. "Why are you saying thank you to me anyways?"

"Thank you for rooming with me while Taehyung is gone."

"I think that I would have been a better fit than Yoongi hyung."

After they flew Taehyung back to Korea, Suga and I were the only ones without roommates. Our manager insisted that we share a room together since it wouldn't be necessary for the two of us to be rooming alone.

Jimin noticed how uneasy I was with the arrangement. Suga hyung is good and all, but I don't really feel comfortable sharing a room with him. Although Jimin and I have our differences, I don't feel uncomfortable with him at all. Besides all the times that he tries to harass me, but that's just part of our close friendship.


I heard him groan, opening one eye. "What."

"You got no jams."

"Aish! That's getting old. Go back to sleep." With that being said, he rolled over and faced his back towards me.

ㅋㅋㅋ I like teasing him. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the white ceiling.

What are you doing now hyung? Why won't you answer my texts or calls? Are you okay? Have you slept well? I miss you hyung. Come back soon.

Saturday morning arrived. The members and I packed our bags, preparing to leave for our next hotel.

I sighed, shutting my suitcase and looking at the room once more. A smile formed upon my lips as I remembered the struggles and happy memories that occurred in this hotel.

"Jungkook!" Jimin called out from the doorway. "You ready?"

"Yeah! Be there in a minute!" I called back.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the room, then sending Taehyung the picture message.

To: TaeTae
Relocating hotels hyung. Wish you were here!

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