Chapter 25 (2/3)

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Friday continued...

The members arrived at the Polynesian Cultural Center with their manager. They lined up at the entrance while their staff paid for their tickets. The Polynesian Cultural Center is a Polynesian-themed theme park where you can experience six Pacific cultures and interact with the natives while participating in activities. First stop is the islands of Samoa.

"Okay guys," the manager stopped the group as he stared at the brochure. "It says this is where we can learn how to make fire with a sticks."

"That won't be a problem for V," Jimin snickered. "He can set anything on fire; like our last kitchen."

"Hey, that was an accident!" Taehyung pouted.

"It also say here that you can learn to cook the Samoan way, using sticks, stones, leaves, husks, coconut milk, taro, and fish." The manager read.

"Cook? Where? Show me!" Jin exclaimed as he scanned the village.

"That's not until later. We have about 10 minutes before the show starts, then the cooking class begins," their hyung explained, folding up the brochure and tucking it into his back pocket. "Now, lets make some fire."

The members ran under the huge pavilion where they joined the other tourists, who were sitting on the grass, as they tried to make the fire. With four pairs of sticks available, Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon grabbed ahold of them.

"What do we do? Just rub it together?" Jimin questioned.

Taehyung watched the other people demonstrating before answering, "You rub the smaller stick against the bigger stick to create heat."

The members giggled at Taehyung's explanation, causing him to frown in confusion. "What? What are you laughing at?"

"So Taehyung, do you have the bigger stick or does Jungkook?" Yoongi laughed.

"What? I don't have a stick. You guys took it all." He grumbled, only to have the members laugh louder. "Yah! Why are you laughing?"

"Hey V. When you rub your stick against Jungkook's, is there any heat?" Jimin snorted.

"I don't have a stick!" The confused male yelled back.

"He says he doesn't have one!" Hoseok cackled.

Jungkook was too busy creating the fire; He was completely oblivious that the other hyungs were teasing his boyfriend. It didn't take long before there was smoke and a small fire was emitted. Everyone gasped in surprise as they watched the maknae clap for his-self.

"You're good at everything." Jin hissed.

"Not English." Namjoon teased.

"Pardon?" Jungkook grinned.

"Hyung! That's cheating!" Taehyung shouted, turning everyone's attention to Suga and the 95liners that were arguing about the fire created.

"It's not cheating! Its called using my resources." The elder defended.

"What happened?" Jungkook questioned.

"Suga used his lighter to create the fire." Taehyung tattled.

"Why do you have a lighter?" Jin raised a brow.

"Why do you care?" Suga retorted, slipping the item back into his pocket. "I just like to set things on fire, that's all."

"Make another one." Jin scolded. "Correctly this time."

"Once was enough. I'm tired," the blonde male shrugged as he closed his eyes and rested his back on the grass.

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