Chapter 21

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Jungkook turns the corner, almost running into his fiancé.

"Kookie, you almost made me drop the smoothies," Taehyung frowned while balancing the three drinks in his hands.

"Sorry hyung."

Hoseok also turned the corner and looked at the younger confused. "Jungkook? Why are you here?"

"I was wondering if you needed any help." He lied while smiling innocently.

Hoseok shrugged and handed him two of the four smoothies he was holding. "Thanks."

"Did you just come?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook nodded. "I would have come sooner but I took the wrong turn."

"I see." Taehyung mumbled softly to himself. He then looked up his lover and quickly pecked his lips.

Jungkook widened his eyes and blushed. "What was that?" He asked, slightly caught off guard by the sudden action.

"I just wanted to remind you how much I love you." Taehyung grinned. Jungkook pushed him lightly, almost causing Taehyung to drop the drinks.

"Okay lovey dovey couple, let's go." Hoseok giggled. "That reminds me of a song! Lovey dovey dovey uh uh uh uh"

"He's singing again, run!" Taehyung laughed, running away with Jungkook.

"Yah! Come back here and love me!" Hoseok shouted after his friends, earning weird looks from visitors.



Taehyung and Jungkook ran back to the group, joining them on the small table. Jimin scrunched his eyebrows.

"Where's Hobie hyung?" Jimin asked.

"He's coming," Taehyung answered. "Oh! By the way..."

Taehyung reached over and smacked his friend in the head. Jimin yelped, rubbing the back of his head and glaring.

"What the hell was that for?" He snarled.

"I'm sure you know pretty damn well why I did that." Taehyung responded sternly.

Jimin kept silent, drinking the smoothie that Jungkook handed to him. Jhope came soon after, plopping down onto the table.

"Ditchers." He muttered, taking a seat beside Jimin.

"Hey guys, manager hyung texted me and said we're going to the beach after." Namjoon spoke after receiving a text. "Are you guys ready to leave?"

"Sure, let's go." Jin nodded as he stood up.

The members grabbed their smoothies, walking through the remainder of the zoo. Yoongi found the reptile house filled with different types of snakes, frogs, and lizards. They agreed to check it out before meeting their manager.

"Hoseok, look! Snakes!" Yoongi grinned. "Remember what happened on our trip to Kota Kinabalu?"

"Don't remind me," Hoseok shivered. "I hate snakeu."

"Check it out! A worker is bringing one out." Jimin jumped in excitement, pointing at it. "Wait! Hyung, where are you going?"

The members turned and saw Jhope sprinting out of the reptile house, yelling "ahhhhhhh!"

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