Chapter 30

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A/N: not proof read!

"Jungkook! What the hell did you do?" Jin screamed as he sprinted to Taehyung's bedside, grabbing the oxygen mask and placing it back on the male. "Taehyung, wake up! Please wake up!"

"Tae..." Jungkook mumbled, dropping the book on the ground in disbelief. "Tae!"

"Saying his name isn't going to change anything!" Jimin shouted, grabbing Taehyung's lifeless body and shaking it furiously. "Wake up you idiot! Don't die on me now!"

In seconds, doctors and nurses came rushing into the room, urging the boys to leave the room immediately. Jimin had to be pried off his best friend and forcefully escorted out of the room.

Jungkook backed out of the room, eyes glued onto his hyung as the members pushed him out along with them. He watched as the doctors got, what he knew to be, the heart starting machine and yell, "clear!"

The electrical charge will stimulate and re-fire the electrical currents in the heart that make the heart beat. The younger crossed his fingers, hopping it will work. It pained him to watch as his hyung was zapped with electricity.

Fortunately, he was dragged out of the room before being able to see more. His hearing seemed to fade, as the only sound that echoed in his ear was the deafening prolonged pitch of the heart machine signifying no pulse.

He looked at his hyungs' mouths as they said things to him that he was unable to hear. Everything seemed to move slowly, like he was stuck in slow motion and the walls were enclosing around him.

Before he knew it, Jungkook was down on his knees, wailing loudly as he clenched onto his chest. "HYUUUUUUUUNG!!!"

Jimin bit his lip. He calmly walked over and knelt beside the crying maknae, taking him into his arms to weep with him. The members stood quiet until a small voice broke the silence.


Jungkook lifted his head. "Hope," He sniffed. "What are you doing here?"

"He's gone. Isn't he?" She cried.

Jungkook didn't have to answer. Hope sprinted to the maknae and hugged him tightly, soaking his shirt with tears. "This is my fault! If I hadn't pretended to have cancer! If I hadn't let myself get tricked by sister! Taehyung would be alive!"

"Hope, this isn't your fault." Jin comforted as he flashed a weak smile. "The doctors are doing their best to bring him back. All we can do is wish for the best."

Hope looked towards Taehyung's closed hospital door and crawled her way over to it. The members watched as the young girl rested her head and hands on the door, whispering inaudible words.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi was the first to ask the question. She looked back at the members before answering.

"I'm praying."

Jungkook sighed. "But, it won't work on us." He mumbled. "We're not... you know..."

Hope didn't need Jungkook to complete his sentence for her to understand what he meant. She shook her head and reached out her hand towards the maknae while giving him a reassuring smile.

"Oppa, my mom taught me to love everyone and leave the judging to God." She replied. "We just need to ask. Psalm 86:5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. Let's just try, oppa."

Jungkook searched the young girl's eyes as if he was looking for acceptance and what he saw was more than he expected.

"Hope, the day we first met, you told Taehyung your real name. What was it?" He asked.

"Kailani. It means heavenly ocean."

Jungkook's tears streamed down his cheek because he knew. He's drowning in sorrow, drowning in guilt, drowning in depression from loosing his lover.

Jungkook's drowning in an ocean of darkness and he's looking for the light. He's looking for an escape. He's looking for heaven.

And he sees hope. He sees the meaning behind the young girl's name. He knew, this wasn't going to end unhappily. He knew, meeting Hope was not a mistake, but a blessing.

The members watched as their maknae crawled his way over to Hope's side, taking her hand. No words were exchanged. They both rested their head against the door simultaneously and placed their hands against the door.

Jungkook can hear the noise on the other end of the door. He can hear the doctor's panicked pleas, he can hear the sound of the heart monitor, he can hear the sound of equipment rattling.

But then a new sound distrupted him and he lifted his head, finding his members on either side of him, doing the same. Yoongi gave Jungkook a comforting look before closing his eyes.

Namjoon sat crossed legged with his back against the wall, tilting his head back while rapping. Jungkook cackled. I guess that's hyung's way of praying? He thought to himself.

Squinting his eyes shut, Jungkook focused on his prayer. "God, if you're out there, if you care enough to help someone like me, I need your help."

He sighed. Will it be okay if I pray this way? Jungkook spoke inside his head.

I heard it was against the rules to love someone of the same sex, but i need you.

I'm surrounded in darkness and without him, i feel like i'll be lost forever.

He's so precious... He's my angel!

And I'm his! I have to protect him. I have to have him by my side.

I'll do anything!

I'm not sure what the true definition of love is...

But he sure feels like it to me.

I guess what I'm asking is,

Please bring my Taehyung back.

The door swung open, almost resulting in the boys falling face first onto the floor. The doctor was shocked to find them on the ground but cleared his throat as they stood to their feet.

"Kim Taehyung...." The doctor began.

"He's awake."


the end...

the story will continue in the third book <3

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