Chapter 29

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"The end."

Taehyung closed the Wattpad app, locking his phone and looking up at his members eagerly.

"So, what did you think? Good right?" He asked excitedly; not exactly earning the reaction he thought he'd recieve.

"What the actual fuck?" Suga growled irritably. "You fucking died!"

"Guys, I think I'm crying! Nope, I lied. I am crying!" Hoseok exclaimed, desperately reaching for the box of tissues that sat on the small living room table and blowing his nose into the soft tissue.

"Why did it end so sadly?!" He sobbed.

"Yah! Don't hog the whole thing! I'm crying too, you know!" Jin whined as he snatched the tissue box.

"I'm not dead!" The younger huffed. "I'm sitting right in front of you!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" Hoseok screamed, flying the used tissues at him in anger. "This is different!"

Jimin smirked as he took out his cellphone and snapped several photos of his crying hyungs. Taehyung ignored them and looked over at his leader.


"Honestly, that was the stupidest story ever," Namjoon answered bluntly.

"Was not!" Taehyung retorted with a pout, looking at Jungkook for support. "Kookie?"

The youngest smiled and moved closer to his boyfriend, throwing his arm around the older male and kissing him softly on the cheek. "I thought it was cute, although I wish it ended differently."

"I agree!" Hoseok added as he wiped his tears away. "That author was a bully!"

"She should have just killed him in the first book instead of wasting our time with false hope," Yoongi snapped. "I had to sit through hours of Taehyung reading us not just one, but two, V-fucken-kook fanfics."

"And Jungkook being pregnant?" Namjoon joined in. "It's unrealistic and impossible for a man to be pregnant."

"Its a fanfic! None of this is real!" Jin argued as he held his heart. "But yet, it still hurts!"

"At least the author got Yoongi's character right," Jimin laughed as he stared at his hyung who was slouching lazily on the couch.

"Shut up." Yoongi spat.

The mood lightened up in the room as they discussed their likes and hates. Hoseok had finally finished his hyperventilating, complaining about how much he hated the ending.

Jungkook snuggled into Taehyung's chests as he fiddled with their interlocked fingers, listening to the steady rhythm of his hyung's heart beating. "I wish you lived in the end."

"Me too!" Jin shouted from the kitchen as he began to cook to stop himself from crying.

"That bitch Mele should have died for hurting my baby's daddy," the younger growled, earning a scolding from the group's omma.

"She doesn't get to die," Yoongi yelled from the couch. "Not until I get to fucking taze her back."

"Suga, you know it wasn't real right?"

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