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(Hidden cave outside the village)

On a certain night in the hidden leaf village the cries of 3 newborn babies could be heard inside a secret cave.

These cries were of naruto, Menma and naomi who were children born to two well known heroes of the hidden leaf Village. Minato namikaze the yondaime hokage and Kushina uzumaki the famous red-hot habanero.

Among the three naruto born the oldest, He has shiny blonde hair, Ocean blue eyes and 3 whisker marks on his cheeks.

The second was menma who has same facial features like naruto but has red hair instead of blonde and no whisker marks.

Naomi was the youngest and was the exact copy of naruto, Just like him she also has whisker marks on her cheeks.

Now for every parent this moment could be described as the start of a happy and lovely family life however this wasn't the case for minato and kushina as right after giving birth to the triplets a mysterious masked individual appeared out of nowhere who killed everyone and took naruto hostage.

In a tiny skirmish the masked individual tricked minato and kidnapped kushina and took her elsewhere where he stripped the female jinchuriki off of her seal and unleashed the wrath of kyūbi upon the village.

Once the rampage of the kyūbi began he start to destroy everything in his path.

Minato who safely secured his children quickly flashed to rescue his wife, Upon reaching the scene he confronted the mask individual again.

The two fought a intense battle but minato still triumphed with his unmatched speed.

As it was all taken care off minato went to confront the kyūbi who was still on a rampage, This fight was more difficult then his previous one but thanks to the support of his wife they were able to corner the beast.

While the fox was trapped in kushina's adamantine sealing chains minato decided to seal the beast again by using the secret sealing jutsu.

"Shiki fūjin - (Reaper death seal)"

Minato use the sealing jutsu and called upon the death god himself who began to seal away the demon within the 3 newborn babies as per minato's crazy request.

The death god separated the yin-yang chakra of the fox and sealed it within menma and naomi whereas he seal away it's soul within naruto.

Once it was done minato fall down on the ground in exhaustion and wait for his life's end to come as death was the cost of using this seal however much to his shock the shingami made a odd judgement and decided to spare his life.

Minato didn't understand why but didn't question the god and was thankful to him for allowing him to live longer.

Soon after that the medics came and took the duo to the hospital along with their sleeping triplets.

~~~3 years later~~~

"THERE'S THE DEMON!!" (Civilian 1)

"GET THE FOX BASTARD!!" (Civilian 2)

Shouted a mov of amgry people who were chasing after a small kid who was no more than 3 years old, The little boy was beyond frightened and was desperately trying to lose the angry mob by running away from them as fast as he could with his tiny feet.

This kid was none other than Naruto uzumaki-namikaze.

The people who were chasing after naruto not just wanted to hurt him but take his very life, Naruto who was running never truly understand the reason behind the hate of the villagers towards him.

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