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"This will be today's final match for the preliminaries...Naruto foxter VS gaara"

"I really didn't think that i'll end up fighting against you gaara, Come. Let's give it our all and make this match memorable" (Naruto)

"Sure thing...Brother" (Gaara)


Both naruto and gaara stood across each other in the arena and they were quite excited to fight against one other in order to test out the limits of their current strengths, Anyway the minds of the sand team along with a few other shinobi were at a complete loss as they didn't understand why in the heck gaara called naruto brother.

"Ready naru" (Gaara)

"I was born ready!!" Naruto replies excitedly and gaara smirks.

"BOTH OF YOU GOOD LUCK AND DO YOUR BEST!!!" Pretender cheers out for the duo and everyone except aya, reiha and hiruzen looks at him in confusion and curiousity.

Anyway hearing the cheering voice of their father both naruto and gaara smiles and feel a great sense of happiness, Especially gaara. The redhead boy felt really happy that his adoptive father came to see his match, Gaara on this simply waves at him whereas naruto gives him a thumbs up.

"Now begin!!" Hayate shouts and naruto instantly drew out his katana and launches a powerful 'Air blade' towards gaara, When the incoming wind attack approches the redhead his sand suddenly comes out of his gourd and shields him on time but naruto doesn't stops there and continuously keeps on launching several more air blades towards gaara.

The force of each strike was more powerful than the previous one which gaara feels it through his sand, Anyway his sand shield continues to protect him until finally it was penetrated and gaara was forced to side step away from the last attack. When it happens gaara quickly extendes his hand and a huge wave of sand rushes towards naruto to catch him but he easily dodges it.

Naruto then weaves a handsign and shoots a powerful water style jutsu at gaara but his sand quickly turns into a big wall and stops the attack however unknown to gaara that naruto had already gotten behind him in mid air from where he throws hundreds of kunais that were labelled with paper bombs.

The bombs started exploding one after another, Most of them were instantly shielded by the sand whereas gaara dodges the remaining ones himself. Anyway when the dust cloud begins to clear away gaara sees naruto casually standing in his spot.

"So...What do you say gaara, Shall we start once again but with some basic taijutsu this time" Naruto ask and gaara without replying anything just took off his gourd from his back and puts it down on the ground.

Both temari and kankuro along with their sensei baki looks in great shock as they never saw gaara fight without his sand gourd or see him using any ninjutsu or taijutsu skills in battle.

"G-gaara...H-he took off his gourd...W-why, Is he seriously gonna fight without his sand..." Kankuro ask surprised, Temari however doesn't says anything and just keeps on looking at the duo intensely.

'Who is this kid and why is gaara so attached to him, I better inform lord kazekage about this' (Baki)

Back into the arena both naruto and gaara takes their respective taijutsu stance while gazing deeply into each others eyes, Suddenly gaara takes the first initiative as he runs straight towards naruto but then he jumps high and tries to kick naruto in the face from above but fails as naruto crosses both his arms and then instantly pushes back gaara who does a few backflips.

When gaara lands he sees naruto charging at him at an amazing speed.

Naruto throws several fast-powerful punches at gaara who blocks or deflects them all with his bare fists however as he does that he feels a great stinging pain in both his palms, Naruto quickly raises his leg and delivers a horizontal axe kick on gaara but the redhead jinchūriki at the last second dodges it by ducking under and elbowing naruto into his stomach with all his might however much to gaara's shock it had very less effect on our hero.

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