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~~~In konoha~~~

1 week has passed ever since pretender revealed his true identity to everyone, At first it was quite shocking to all. Especially to the uzumaki-namikaze family who couldn't believe it but what really shocked them was is when he introduced his 3 children which included naruto, They didn't believe it and think of it as some bad joke but when pretender threw the adoption papers on their faces everything was revealed.

It was so unbelievable to them that the family immediately argued by stating thet they never remember signing the papers and accused pretender for using some trick to make them sign, The family demanded naruto back however their request instantly gets denied as the 3rd hokage gave the whole custody of naruto over to drake (Pretender).

This unexpected act of hiruzen left the family stunned but they didn't back down and another council meeting was called upon for this matter but due to naruto's harsh past revelation and both minato and kushina's sign on the adoption papers they lost the case.

As for the civilian council they had lost all their power in the political main body of making decisions, Plus the 2 elders (Homura and koharu). Hiruzen stripped them both of their titles and power for their past actions and now they both are under house arrest as punishment.

Anyways the uchiha clan now has moved back inside the village once again from the outskirts as per hiruzen's order and as such the uchiha's plotting coup is no more, Even though some clans were still against it they couldn't do anything as they very well were aware of the consequences.

For team 12, They took their very first official mission but an 'A rank' no less from the start. Hiruzen at first tried giving them a 'B rank' mission but they wouldn't have it so after a long and exhausting argument hiruzen gave up and accepted their request for the A rank mission.

Their mission was to escort a VIP from the fedual lord's office which they completed in no time at all.

As for pretender, He still continues to do his ANBU duties under the 3rd hokage even after everything which had happened. When he returned back many of the ANBU's pleaded from him to show his face since they couldn't see it because of their duty, On this pretender happily agrees.

(Present day)

Team 12 returned after completing another one of it's missions successfully, They were walking inside the hokage tower and when they reached the office naruto knocks on the door.

"Come in" Hiruzen says and they all walks inside the office.

When they enter inside they were met with team 7, Kakashi smiled, Kiyomi waves at them happily, Sasuke still being an emo and sakura fangirling over her precious uchiha prince until her eyes land on aya and she becomes frightened.

The pink banshee immediately hides behind sasuke while treambling in fear as the memories of that particular day still haunted her.

Team 12 however didn't pay much attention to the useless kunoichi but then their eyes land on a drunken old man who wore plain clothes and a hat, He was still drinking a bottle of his sake but they ignored him.

"Please excuse us" Kakashi says as he takes his team and leaves the office along with the unknown drunken old man.

"Welcome back team 12, So tell me how'd your mission go this time" Hiruzen ask.

"Okay, I guess" (Naruto)

"Horrible" (Aya)

"Boring" (Reiha)

The trio gives their respective response and yamato sweatdrops while hiruzen just laughs, Yamato then steps forward and gives the mission report to the old kage.

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